本文女主是成长型的,先弱后强,男主是闷骚型的先虐后宠!不喜者慎入!严楚俊一个站在商界权力顶端的集团继承人却还是逃不过情关的劫数!五年来他一直知道她的心里只有她的初恋,尽管如此当初他还是如飞蛾扑火般不择手段,即使那样的代价是她恨透了他!但是他不在乎,从小到大只要他喜欢的,他一定要得到,即使要不择手段,可是为何把她困在他身边五年,到头来饱受身心折磨的人却是他!为了让自己好过,他唯有狠心对她,让她身心同受折磨!十九岁那一年白雅静还是大一新生和同样十九岁放弃高校邀请和她上同一所大学的竹马男友萧翎皓甜蜜热恋,可是她做梦也没想到这一年会让她遇到毁了她一生的恶魔,一世的劫难——严楚俊!严楚俊只知道有一种深爱叫做秘密!她若安好,便是晴天!严楚俊:他只是想好好爱一个女人,他有错吗?不,她心里是有爱情的,只是对象不是他严楚俊而已!严楚俊:白雅静,所有的人都知道我爱你,为什么只有你不知道!白雅静:她只是想要好好的自由生活,不要爱情,她有错吗?到头来谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的命呢?Elizabeth and Zenobia
Abandoned by her mother and neglected by her scientist father, timid Elizabeth Murmur has only her fearless friend, Zenobia, for company. And Zenobia's company can be very trying! When Elizabeth's father takes them to live in his family home, Witheringe House, Zenobia becomes obsessed with finding a ghost in the creepy old mansion and forces Elizabeth to hold séances and wander the rooms at night. With Zenobia's constant pushing, Elizabeth investigates the history of the house and learns that it does hold a terrible secret: Her father's younger sister disappeared from the grounds without a trace years wkkk.netth and Zenobia is a wonderfully compelling middle-grade story about friendship, courage, and the power of the imagination.