“互联网”时代,江湖烽烟四起,小米科技创始人、董事长兼CEO、金山软件董事长雷军终于在不惑之年领悟到了“顺势而为”的重要性,并牢牢把握住时代的脉搏,站在风口上重新开始,从0到1,创造了小米神话。“雷布斯”成功颠覆了传统商业模式和游戏规则,使得小米公司估值5年翻了300多倍,成为全球商业史上成长速度最快的企业。作为互联网和创业圈风口浪尖上的人物,雷军的投资和创业经历一直备受关注。本书通过对雷军及雷系企业成长史抽丝剥茧般的分析,为你诠释为什么小米自面世以来,每一款产品的投放,都能引起米粉的尖叫和轰动;为什么金山一夜之间濒临倒闭又能绝处逢生;为了打造小米生态圈,雷军做了哪些布局?Hot Gates and Other Occasional Pieces
This is a dazzling collection of occasional writings by the Nobel Prize-winning novelist on subjects ranging from Thermopylae to the English Channel, and from Coral Island to Jules Verne. "e;A book of occasional essays which afford us many fascinating insights into Golding the man…It is highly individual yet profoundly modest; it has an unusual, slightly angular candour, full of painful knowledge and a beautiful humanity …event the slightest piece bears the mark of his rare, austere mind, his remarkable imagination…Even these occasional essays are enough to remind us that …there is not, at the moment, a writer to touch him"e;. (New Society).