在美国两轮量化宽松和中国4万亿的刺激下,人们普遍预期世界经济将如期复苏。但正如米塞斯所说:“信用扩张确实能导致一时的繁荣,但这种繁荣迟早会归于破灭,导致新一轮的萧条。”世界经济衰退的阴影于2011年年中再次橫扫全球。引发这次恐慌的是再度出现的类似于2008年秋季的违约危机,只不过上次麻烦的制造者是那些金鬲机构,而这一次则是政府债务。 更为麻烦和棘手的是,世界逐渐“老”去,创造财富的人将越来越少,但需要赡养的人口却越来越多。当前的债务问题只能曰益恶化,世界经济被债务挟持……给你一个商品,看你怎么卖
摊位的卖主、卖场的营业员和商业经理人埋怨生意不好做,其实缺的是热销的商品,缺的是卖商品的智慧,读一读《给你一个商品,看你怎么卖》这本书,相信在品读中能够给你开拓卖的思路,为你找寻卖的办法,让你收获卖的学问,让你能够把所有的商品都能变成热销品。How It Is
Published in French in 1961, and in English in 1964, How It Is is a novel in three parts, written in short paragraphs, which tell (abruptly, cajolingly, bleakly) of a narrator lying in the dark, in the mud, repeating his life as he hears it uttered - or remembered - by another voice. Told from within, from the dark, the story is tirelessly and intimately explicit about the feelings that pervade his world, but fragmentary and vague about all else therein or beyond. Together with Molloy, How It Is counts for many readers as Beckett's greatest accomplishment in the novel form. It is also his most challenging narrative, both stylistically and for the pessimism of its vision, which continues the themes of reduced circumstance, of another life before the present, and the self-appraising search for an essential self, which were inaugurated in the great prose narratives of his earlier trilogy.食妖记:上仙,请慢用