宇宙的秘密就在心灵的深处,那儿的潜能可以让你的成功石破天惊。激发心灵的潜能,寻找成功的力量。唤醒你心中沉睡的潜力,相信你能,你就无所不能!大师安东尼·罗宾感动推荐。《心灵的潜能》能帮你:增加心灵的能量,改变心灵的颜色,提供心灵的高度,稳固心灵的专注,练就心灵的耐心,消除心灵的恐惧,填补心灵的空白,顺应心灵的法则。Pink & Green Is the New Black
Lucy Desberg is in eighth grade, and she's determined to make this year perfect. Over the course of the year, though, her talents for makeup and problem-solving will be put to the wkkk.net the outside, things couldn't be better: her family's spa is doing well, and she has a boyfriend, Yamir. But Yamir's in high school now, and Lucy's too embarrassed to admit that he hasn't called her in weeks. To take her mind off him, she throws herself into planning the eighth-grade masquerade, using her makeup skills to rally her classmates. But as she soon learns, ignoring a problem does not make it go away. It's destined to pop up at the worst possible wkkk.net's resourcefulness will be put to the test as she grows up and starts making decisions about the type of person—and girlfriend and friend and daughter and sister—that she wants to be.