科幻世界杂志社创立于1979年,目前是中国最具影响力的专业科幻出版机构。其中,由四川省科协主管主办的《科幻世界》月刊,以倡导创新思维,展示科学魅力为发展目标,主要刊登国内外一流的科幻小说和最前沿的科学动态,以及优秀的科幻画作和实用的写作指南,极大地激发了青少年读者崇尚科学、热爱幻想的热情,多次荣获国内期刊出版最高奖项。Field Work
At the centre of this collection, which includes groups of elegies and love poems, there is a short sonnet sequence which concentrates themes apparent elsewhere in the book: the individual's responsibility for his own choices, the artist's commitment to his vocation, the vulnerability of all in the face of circumstance and death. 'Throughout the volume Heaney's outstanding gifts, his eye, his ear, his understanding of the poetic language are on display - this is a book we cannot do without.' Martin Dodsworth, Guardian