热播选秀节目类型,具体情况有一点小变动。 节目刚播出时:观众:林欣为了参加选秀节目放弃学业了吗?才20岁诶!大学都没毕业吧,没文化石锤了!节目接近尾声:观众:啊啊啊!林欣也太厉害了吧!才20诶!居然大学毕业还准备考研!20岁我在干嘛?节目刚播出时:观众:林欣舞蹈废物一个,连一个广播体操都跳的那么僵,我才不粉她!节目接近尾声:观众:林欣这是上了什么舞蹈速成课,带我一个!现在想想跳广播体操的她真是可可爱爱呢!节目刚播出时:观众:林欣就是蹭top的热度,吸血虫一个!大家要离她远点!节目接近尾声:观众:林欣还需要蹭热度吗?她自己就是top!让我们送她C位出道!!! 逆风翻盘,向阳而生,C位出道。Washington Masquerade
Adam Burns, Washington Post columnist and controversial presidential critic, is dead. With no clear circumstances, speculation, gossip, and rumor flood the media—was it accident, suicide, or murder? Conspiracy theories run amok, accusing none other than the President of the United States. Was Adam Burns the target of a government hit squad? Did someone decide to silence his diatribes once and for all?Fiona Fitzgerald, an unlikely hero in Washington D.C.'s blue-collar, predominantly male police force, is entrusted with unraveling Burns' death. Born into the elite social circles of the nation's capital, and with privileged access to what lurks behind the pristine fa?ade of the political establishment, Fiona is determined to expose the chicanery buried under prim rose bushes and concealed within the ceaseless Washington Masquerade.