婚姻该是女人的另一个天堂——世界在他身后,原来那么的辽阔。陆言恒这三个字,对若若来说,就是一切。你怎能说不爱就不爱。“陆言恒,告诉我,这是你的决定么?”他却连话都懒得再说一句。“陆言恒,我签字就是了。”他抬了抬冷峻的眉眼:“好。”林若若笑了笑,温暖安定:“言恒,如果我说,我怀孕了,你······”“不可能。这方面的安全措施我一向做得很好。”林若若带着满身的伤痛跑到丽江,中国的艳遇之都,完全是因为许棠的唆使:“全中国又不是只有陆言恒这么一个男人,若若,去丽江吧!寻找一段美好又浪漫的二婚!”他就是在这样的情况下,一点一点的从生活,慢慢进入生命。绅士,俊朗,专情。那个时候的她,颓废不安,亮晶晶的眸子里装满的全是灰败,看上去脆弱不堪。即使你曾给过我伤害,我如今依然相信爱情。陆言恒,现在你的眼里,我只不过是旧爱罢了;但世界这么大,谁又知道下一秒,我会不会成为别人的新欢。我虽然爱过你,可是已经学会放下了你。可是后来,是谁步步紧逼不容抗拒。嫁给他的时候,她20岁。离婚的时候,她不过25岁。Spencer's Mountain
High up on a mountain, young Clay-Boy Spencer joins his father and eight uncles to hunt the mythical white deer. What he finds on the mountainside changes his life—and marks him for a special destiny. Years later, Clay-Boy is the first in his family to get the chance to go to college; but success as an adult is much more complicated and bittersweet than the legendary success of Clay-Boy's childhood quest.A heartwarming novel of love, family, and hope, Spencer's Mountain inspired the popular television show The Waltons, which starred Richard Thomas, Andrew Duggan, and Patricia Neal, and ran for nine years between 1972 and 1981. More than fifty years after its publication, this novel still has the power to inspire and move readers all over the world.