坐上出嫁的花轿只因师傅说,勾引了不该勾引的他。其实究竟谁勾引了谁?谁又迷惑了谁?要罚她认?要打她受,只是为何将她送入洞房的要是他?是机关算尽?抑或傻痴成性?是处心积虑的阴谋?还是刻骨铭心的爱恋?试问这又有谁能看清?他衣襟半开,勾魂摄魄地朝我招手:“娘子,过来,我们熄灯上床。”他一把将我拽入怀中,轻吻唇瓣,笑得销魂蚀骨,小夜,你是我的,谁也夺不回,谁也抢不走。他如万仞峰巅的青松,迎风而立,冷冷地说:我的女人,绝不能是弱者。她回眸一笑,轻启朱唇:要做我男人,必须脱掉你所有伪装,包括身上衣。他仰望苍穹,发誓要将她困,困身、困心,困一生。他掷杯于地,扬言一定要将她夺,夺身,夺心,夺一生。是真是幻?是爱是恨?是缘起还是缘灭?谁能与她举杯豪饮,笑傲江湖?谁能与她执手高岗?共谱一曲“狼笑”?三种不同的爱情,三段不同的人生,三种不一样的精彩。月邀你走进“狼”的世界,领略“狼”的残暴、“狼”的狡猾,“狼”的专情,“狼”的浴血奋战。『『新文推荐』』《血嫁》《长歌》《御风》:《失心欲女》推荐好友的文文:漫天花雨:《恶魔的囚宠》夏广寒新作:《强上天子》糖糖宝贝的新文:四国传说之朱雀天下》宝贝鹿鹿:《凤凰花》晴沁:《弃后要出墙》(精彩不容错过)风行烈《云狂》(世间风华尽在手,风云天下第一人)风云小妖的《无盐王妃》(很精彩的文)【推荐家人作品】头目忆冷香:《总裁三岁》《日食妖后》老大萧萧十香:《帝宫春》《胁迫》老三潇湘冬儿:《11处特工皇妃老四清风逐月:《凰女魅爱》《夜欢》小叔落落月色:《痴缠》****************************************************作品《血嫁》于2011年11月11日光棍节正式在当当上市,当当网已经有货,支持货到付款,q版人物档案+独家大结局+唯美插图+精致书签,如果需要帮忙团购的亲可以进群(一六八七七六六五八)找宝贝凡凡)期待你们的支持!万分感谢!购书地址如下:http://m.wkkk.net/m.wkkk.net?product_id=22533754&ref=search-1-pubThe Kennedy Years: From the Pages of The New York
The year 2013 is the 50th anniversary year of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, who still ranks as one of the top five presidents in every major annual survey. To commemorate the man and his time in office, the New York Times has authorized a book, edited by Richard Reeves, based on its unsurpassed coverage of the tumultuous Kennedy era. The Civil Rights Movement, the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, the space program, the Berlin Wall—all are covered in articles by the era's top reporters, among them David Halberstam, Russell Baker, and James Reston. Also included are new essays by leading historians such as Robert Dallek and Terry Golway, and by Times journalists, including Sam Tanenhaus, Scott Shane, Alessandra Stanley, and Roger Cohen. With more than 125 color and black-and-white photos, this is the ultimate volume on one of history's most fascinating figures.The Everafter War (Sisters Grimm #7)
Picking up after the dramatic cliffhanger that ended Book Six, Sabrina and Daphne's prayers are finally answered when their parents awake from their sleeping spell. But their happy reunion is short-lived, as they are caught in the middle of a war between the Scarlet Hand and Prince Charming's Everafter army. As the family works to help the prince's ragtag group of rebels and protect their friends, Sabrina comes face-to-face with the family's deadliest enemy—the mysterious Master—who reveals a secret so shocking it will rock the entire family to its core.