一穿越却没想到妹妹来争未婚夫,爹竟然命令她解除婚约,还骂她废物傻子,她招谁惹谁了?别以为我好欺负,带着蛇戒穿越,里面住了条金光灿灿的蛇王,为她打抱不平,守护她。这条蛇王还挺能的,不光保护她,还折腾出三个蛇宝宝出来,各个天赋逆天,实力非凡,还天天惹事,让她这个做妈的怎么办才好?这是一个有趣的农女、蛇王和蛇宝宝的故事。Cat in Glass
The eight tales in this collection by Nancy Etchemendy weave great suspense with interesting plots and unusual characters. "Lunch at Etienne's" is a story narrated by a woman who is surrounded by death but doesn't seem to realize it. "Cat in Glass" is about a mysterious, malevolent sculpted cat that commits gruesome murders and is told from the point of view of the sculpture's frightened and bewildered owner. There is also "The Sailor's Bargain", a captivating story about an orphan whose haunting dreams lead to a stark revelation of another life, and "The Lily and the Weaver's Heart", in which a one-eyed Jacinth dares to take her place in a cruel world by risking a journey that is usually reserved for the most able-bodied men of the culture.