《这样的员工最受欢迎:优秀员工要有好态度 好人品 好能力》系统、全面地论述了态度、人品和能力的重要性,以生动的实例阐述受到企业欢迎的员工所应具备的心态、品格和能力,为读者带来提升自我的妙法,帮你打开职场的“法门”,让你的职场之路走得更宽阔、顺畅。世界500强企业首选的职业精神培训工具书!态度决定高度,人品决定产品,能力创造价值!投资你的态度,拥有美丽“薪”情;亮出你的人品,拥有光明“钱”途;提升你的能力,拥有过硬业绩!80后,你为30岁准备好了吗
据统计,80后在中国有超过2亿的人口。中国社会的转型,造就了80后的很多独特性。 80后,这曾经是一个多么新鲜、多么富有朝气的词语。随着时间碾压而来的尘烟,一切都呼啸而至,别再躲避了,这已经是无法避免的事实了——80后,欢迎你们进入三十的殿堂。
Odd & True
Trudchen grew up hearing Odette's stories of their monster-slaying mother and a magician's curse. But now that Tru's older, she's starting to wonder if her older sister's tales were just comforting lies, especially because there's nothing fantastic about her own life—permanently disabled and in constant pain from childhood polio. In 1909, after a two-year absence, Od reappears with a suitcase supposedly full of weapons and a promise to rescue Tru from the monsters on their way to attack her. But it's Od who seems haunted by something. And when the sisters' search for their mother leads them to a face-off with the Leeds Devil, a nightmarish beast that's wreaking havoc in the Mid-Atlantic states, Tru discovers the peculiar possibility that she and her sister—despite their dark pasts and ordinary appearances—might, indeed, have magic after all.