自从那次车祸,她就被一双邪恶的眼睛盯上。从此事事不顺心,选美被取消资格,被房东驱逐流落街头,连累朋友公司破产,总之谁接近她谁就倒霉,最后母亲还患上肝癌......所有的一切都是巧合吗?不!不是巧合!这一切只源于他一句话——做我的女人!山穷水尽,走投无路,她还有别的选择吗?本小姐不是那么容易到手的!本人自有防狼术,让你焚心似火却吃不到!在这场狼吃小羊的战争中,谁会是最后赢家?可是,当有一天终于失了身,丢了心,才发现她不过是一个替身情人......当真相揭开,这其中又有多少圈套?黑帮太子,豪门总裁,青梅竹马,谁在利用她?谁又是真正爱她的人?此坑大修,重发,陌休息了几天,决定奋发图强,两坑一起开,HOHO,给陌一点鼓励吧~!!古文坑《艳妃小神捕》http://m.wkkk.net/a/107135/,喜欢古文的亲支持支持~!!嘻嘻......陌的文:《寻爱大清》(完)《总裁的101次相亲》(完)《罂粟之吻》(完)本文情节貌似有点俗,呵呵,不过,应该有陌式风格,陌自己觉得值得期待~!本日起每日三更~!!!Poison Most Vial
Murder in the lab! The famous forensic scientist Dr. Ramachandran is stone-cold dead, and Ruby Rose's father is the prime suspect. It's one more reason for Ruby to hate the Gardens, the funky urban neighborhood to which she has been transplanted. Wise but shy, artistic but an outsider, Ruby must marshal everything and everyone she can to help solve the mystery and prove her father didn't poison his boss. Everyone? The list isn't too long: there's T. Rex, Ruby's big, goofy but goodhearted friend; maybe those other two weird kids from class; and that mysterious old lady in the apartment upstairs, who seems to know a lot about chemistry … which could come in very wkkk.net for Poison Most Vial“Carey mixes toxic chemistry and logic problems in his second middle-grade mystery to good, if not great effect. Budding chemists and crime-scene investigators will especially enjoy this science whodunit."