她穿越而来,腹黑薄情;他强势霸道,嚣张冷血。赤焰王奉旨选妃,一眼看中楚家最乖的九小姐,谁想到,乖巧外衣下却是那样的不羁轻狂。他偏不信,他堂堂一藩之王搞不定她这个小LOLI?!硬得不行来软的,索性他就把她宠得人神共愤,无法无天,待那时,倒要看,她当真还能那样对他不以为然?!Lend Me Your Ears
The third edition of an internationally best-selling collection of classic and modern oratory, Lend Me Your Ears offers numerous examples of the greatest speeches ever delivered—from the ancient world to the modern. Speeches in this edition span a broad stretch of history, from General George Patton inspiring Allied troops on the eve of D-Day to Pericles' impassioned eulogy for fallen Greek soldiers during the Peloponnesian War; and from Jesus of Nazareth's greatest sermons to Ruth Bader Ginsburg's fiery speech in response to the Bush vs. Gore decision that changed the landscape of American politics in our time.Editor William Safire has collected a diverse range of speeches from both ancient and modern times, from people of many different backgrounds and political affiliations, and from people on both sides of history's greatest battles and events. This book provides a wealth of valuable examples of great oratory for writers, speakers, and history aficionados.废材重生:特工逆袭异世界