Elizabeth and Zenobia
Abandoned by her mother and neglected by her scientist father, timid Elizabeth Murmur has only her fearless friend, Zenobia, for company. And Zenobia's company can be very trying! When Elizabeth's father takes them to live in his family home, Witheringe House, Zenobia becomes obsessed with finding a ghost in the creepy old mansion and forces Elizabeth to hold séances and wander the rooms at night. With Zenobia's constant pushing, Elizabeth investigates the history of the house and learns that it does hold a terrible secret: Her father's younger sister disappeared from the grounds without a trace years wkkk.netth and Zenobia is a wonderfully compelling middle-grade story about friendship, courage, and the power of the imagination.李爱玲女性励志经典套装(全2册)
本套装包括:《你才是自己的过来人》《越女王,越少女》。李爱玲,情感作家、职场女性、80后妈妈、百万读者心中铿锵犀利的桃花姐。白天奔波在职场,夜里流连于文字。与万千女性一起在情爱中成长蜕变,已出版作品《你才是自己的过来人》《你若不伤 爱就无恙》。