本书是一本实用的工具书,乐嘉把人分成红、蓝、黄、绿四种颜色,每种颜色代表每种性格,然后进一步进行剖析。本书包括三个部分,第一部分是总论,第二部分是分则。总论部分主要从一个作者潜心研究的测试题入手,快速的让自己判断属于哪种颜色。同时解答了性格色彩与人们常见的内向还是外向,理性还是感性的区别。分则部分则从情感、生活、工作、处事、以及自我提升方面说明红、蓝、黄、绿的优势与过当。同时对一些人生观和价值观的取向给出了背后的性格分析。第三部分作者首次解答性格色彩的应用中所遇到的问题,以及个案的精彩点评。帮助我们找到真正的我自己。LAPD '53
James Ellroy, the undisputed master of crime writing, has teamed up with the Los Angeles Police Museum to present a stunning text on 1953 LA. While combing the museum's photo archives, Ellroy discovered that the year featured a wide array of stark and unusual imagery—and he has written 25,000 words that illuminate the crimes and law enforcement of the era. Ellroy o ffers context and layers on wild and rich atmosphere—this is the cauldron that was police work in the city of the tarnished angels more than six decades ago. More than 80 duotone photos are spread throughout the book in the manner of hard-edged police evidence.亚洲:沙特阿拉伯(世界我知道)