淡水水库可基于多种目的调节流量,包括:供水、灌溉、防洪减灾、抗旱、航运和水电。陆地表面积转换形成水体,和相关水面气体流量测量已经表明二氧化碳(CO2)和甲烷(CH4)排放可能和温室气体(GHG)交换的全球清单有关。研究表明寒冷和温和气候条件下的排放水平普遍较低,而较高的排放量似乎和持续缺氧的热带系统有关。然而,改进可用的信息和工具对于支持已有水库和新建水库的温室气体状态以及采取必要缓解措施的明智决策非常重要。Trans-Siberian Express
An epic tale about a land and a people Winston Churchill called "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma."American cancer specialist Dr. Alex Cousins is on a covert mission to the USSR. He is tasked with prolonging the life of Soviet Politburo Chief, Viktor Moiseyevich Dimitrov, who is suffering from advanced stage leukemia. But the tenuous confidence between the unlikely colleagues is shattered one night as Alex accidentally discovers Dimitrov's diabolical plans for a nuclear strike on China. Alex soon finds himself dispatched, homeward bound, on a six-thousand-mile journey aboard the Trans-Siberian Express; long enough, Alex realizes, to silence him from alerting the U.S. of the imminent destruction.决定孩子一生健康的100个好习惯