
第7章 Miss Neversly

In Which Miss Neversly Is Disobeyed and Dawdling Occurs …

The next day, Old Crotty gathered the servants.

"M'Lady will throw a ball in two weeks' time, on the tenth of July. There is much work to do, but I know you are all as happy as I am to be able to help the Luggertucks shine on their special day."

No one, not even Footman Jennings, met her eye. No one was happy to help. No one cared whether the Luggertucks shone or not. They did care, however, about the two weeks of hard work that lay ahead in preparing for the ball.

Much of that work would fall to Horton, Bump, and the dozen or so other kitchen, stable, and garden boys. The chairs that had lurked in the east basement since the last Luggertuck ball would have to be toted one by one, the acreage of the ballroom waxed inch by inch, the miles of gravel lane from Smugwick Manor to the village raked foot by foot.

But their first task revealed itself as a pleasant one—the hand delivery of invitations to the homes of all those guests who lived within a day's walk. The footmen were supposed to do it, but they, being well aware that M'Lady's corset was still Loosened, chose instead to play cards in the pickle storeroom. The boys were more than happy to do the job, which they knew would give them ample opportunities to dawdle.

"Do not dawdle," Neversly ordered the boys, cracking Horton on the head with a spoon to make her point.

But dawdle they did.

It was the best day of the summer and they were loosed upon it.

Once out of Neversly's sight, they whooped, chased, wrestled, and tumbled.

Blight and Blemish, though not of athletic build, led the pack through Wolfleg Woods.

"Mr. Blemish, the proximity of Magpie Pond would appear to offer a pleasant refuge from the heat of the day," said Blight.

"Very good, Mr. Blight," said Blemish. "Shall we disrobe?"

Two enormous muddy splashes soon followed, as did the other boys.

"Come on, Horton, come on," called Bump, happily half out of his trousers.

"I can't, Bump, I'll never make it in time if I do," said Horton regretfully. He dodged Bump's attempts to push him in.

"Where are you bound, Mr. Halfpott?" called Blemish, bobbing in the middle of the rather murky pond. "I'm afraid I've drawn light duty today as I've only got to go to the minister's and Dr. Radish's."

"I've got to go all the way to the Shortleys'," replied Horton.

"By M'Lady Luggertuck's bustle!" cried Blemish. "My good man, that's all the way across the county. Might I suggest that you cut through Simpkin's Mire if you want to make it there and back in a day. But I hasten to add, be vigilant for snakes."

"And wolves," added Blight.

"And quicksand," piped in Bump.

"Why am I always the unlucky one?" Horton moaned, then turned to trudge onward, ever onward with the sounds of his frolicking friends at his back.

Bump watched his friend go, and his little heart almost broke. He knew about Horton's family. He knew the reasons why Horton would never break the rules. But he hated to see Horton always missing out on the few things that made life at Smugwick almost bearable.

He ran toward the pond and leaped. In midair, he closed his eyes and wished for something wonderful to happen to Horton. And then he hit the cold water and went under, popping up a second later into the full glory of that perfect summer day.

Now, this isn't a fairy tale. And Bump's wish wasn't magic. But nevertheless, it was about to come true.

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