

"Lovely Alyssa." The guy's lips purr that cockney accent I heard at the store. "You can cure your family. Use the key to bring your treasures into my world. Fix Alice's mistakes, and break the curse. Don't stop until you find me."

What does he mean, "Alice's mistakes"? Something she did inside Wonderland caused all this to happen?

The weight of my backpack holds me steady as I stare at him, captivated. I'm afraid to turn around and see if he's behind me, afraid the silhouette and beautiful voice are only figments of a frantic, failing mind.

"Are you real?" I whisper.

"Do I feel real?" he whispers back, his breath hot against the nape of my neck. A set of strong hands wraps around me from behind, causing every nerve to dance inside my body. I twist around. The flashlight's glow sweeps the empty room, yet the pressure of knowing fingers still trails across my abdomen. Stunned with sensation, I let my hand follow his touch, from my navel to the band of my skirt. My knees give out. Somehow, I'm still standing, as if the phantom guy holds me up.

"Remember me, Alyssa." A nose stirs the hair at the back of my head. "Remember us." He starts to hum, a haunting melody. No words ride the music, only the familiar notes of a forgotten song.

The instant his humming ends, so does the embrace. I sway to catch my balance. Within the broken reflections, the moth has replaced him again. Somehow, the moth and the guy are tied together.

I should be terrified. I should be committed. But something about the netherling is sensual and exhilarating, more evocative than anything in my world has ever been.

I reach toward one of the moth's reflections, aiming for a crack where it's severed in two. My finger meets the glass, only instead of sharpness, it feels like sculpted metal. Repositioning the flashlight, I realize it's not a crack in the glass at all… it's a keyhole, tiny and intricate.

I dig out the key from under my shirt, fingers shaking as I take aim.

"Tut," my dark guide scolds, though I can't see him anywhere. "I've taught you better. You're forgetting a step."

He's right. I remember. "Envision where you wish to go," I say, using his words from years before. The key is a wish granter, and will open the mirror to my desires. Letting the backpack fall to the floor, I dig out the sundial brochure and study it. When I look up again, it's the picture from the brochure staring back at me from the cracked reflection. I insert the key into the hole and turn.

The glass becomes liquid and ripples, absorbing my hand. I jerk back, and the key falls against my chest, suspended on its chain. I hold my fingers up. They look the same as always… completely unaffected. They're not even wet.

A crackling sound snaps my attention back to the mirror. The splintered glass begins to smooth, forming a watery window instead of a reflection. It's a portal that opens into the garden bright with sunlight and flowers where the statue sundial waits.

"Want it with all your heart." The command swims in my head, so quiet it's an echo from my past. "Then step inside."

I have a moment of lucidity. If I'm about to be magically sucked into London, I need a way home. I snag my pencil box of money and drop it into the backpack. I shove the flashlight in, too. Who knows how dark the rabbit hole might be?

I step forward and let both of my hands sink into the liquid glass up to my elbows. On the other side, a cool breeze meets my arms. Someone strokes my skin, from my elbow down to the wrist… fingertips so soft and knowing, they light a firestorm inside my veins.

It's a touch I already know, yet so different now. No longer innocent and calming.

When I look into the portal, my gloved hands appear in the landscape beyond, casting shadows on the grass next to the guy's winged silhouette.

Before I can see him clearly, he's gone.

I hesitate and think of Jeb. It's almost as if I hear his voice calling out for me from somewhere far away. I wish he was here, right now, stepping in with me.

But I can't look back. As deranged as it seems, that guy in the mirror is the answer to everything in my past. This is my one chance to find Wonderland, to cleanse the Liddell bloodline of this curse, and to save Alison. If I can do this, I can finally be normal. Maybe normal enough to tell Jeb the way I really feel about things.

Taking a breath, I plunge inside.

I spin in a haze of greens, blues, and whites, my perceptions unraveling like a roll of gauze. A prickly sensation sweeps in—tiny needles weaving me together once more. I fall backward onto the ground and wait with eyes clenched shut, backpack pushing into my spine.

The wooziness passes, and the scent of moist soil and fresh air drifts over me. I blink at a bright sun and blue sky. Weird. If I'm in England, it should still be early morning here… way before dawn. Somehow, I arrived at the same time as the picture in the brochure—the time I envisioned. Blades of grass prickle through my gloves as I push my weight onto my palms to sit up. The sundial statue boy waits a few feet away.

Behind me is a fountain, the water flowing along mirrored panels as tall as I am. They must be the other side of the portal I stepped through, because my hair and clothes are damp. A spiked, wrought-iron fence casts shadows across the garden.

I stand, drop my backpack to the ground, and brush speckles of mud from my skirt and tights.

The birds chirping and white noise from the flowers and insects sound real. The breeze shaking the leaves overhead feels real. The fragrance of white roses from a bush on the other side of the statue smells real. All my senses tell me this isn't a delusion.

My imagination couldn't conjure hands like my guide's—or the song he lit in my memory. A song for which the words escape me, but in some way define me. The melody brings back feelings of comfort and security—like an old lullaby.

I concentrate on the white noise. A distinct whisper spins through my ears.

Find the rabbit hole…

The breeze coaxes a soft fragrance my way. It's the roses talking.

I drop to my knees and crawl toward the sundial statue, parting the grass as I go. There must be a hole or a metal lid—something that could hide a tunnel.

An ornate rock border and a ground cover of ivy surround the statue's large platform. I start digging through the leaves. White noise erupts as I upset the sacred dwellings of spiders, beetles, and flying insects. Some scatter beneath my fingers; others light into the air. Their whispers cling like static, leading me.

With the touch of a feather, you can enter the nether.

I scramble to my feet, then step into the ivy, giving the statue a push. It doesn't budge.

The time must be right, or you'll be here all night.

Time. I try to recall the "' Twas brillig" poem definitions. Wasn't four o'clock mentioned? According to the sundial's shadow, it's a little past five. Maybe I have to turn back the clock somehow.

I try to force the gnomon shaft to a new position so its shadow will fall on the Roman numeral IV. It doesn't budge, either. Maybe the statue just has to think it's four.

I dig through the backpack, dragging out the feather quill I pulled from my dad's recliner. "With the touch of a feather…" I center the plume over the dial and move it until it casts a shadow pointing to the IV. Then I tuck the quill into a crevice to hold it in place. The sundial still reads five o'clock, too, but I'm hoping my improvisation is enough to do the trick.

A series of clicks and clatters emerges from inside the statue's base, like latches being opened. Heart racing, I wedge my shoulder against the stone boy's arms. With my heels rooted into the ivy, I use my legs to push and strain against the stone.

Rock grates along metal, and the statue tips over on its base. A poof of dust belches, then clears, revealing a hole the size of a well.

I drop to my knees. Inside the backpack, I push things around to find my flashlight. Flipping it on, I search the depths below. No bottom in sight. I can't dive headfirst into some tunnel if I can't see where it ends.

An overwhelming sense of loneliness and panic wraps around me. I'm not a fan of heights—the very reason I haven't mastered an ollie in skateboarding yet. I love the thrill of the ride, but free-falling has never been my idea of fun. I once went rappelling in a canyon with Jeb and Jenara. The climbing up wasn't so bad, but Jeb had to piggyback me the entire way down while I kept my eyes shut.

Again, I find myself wishing he was here.

I sit up. That stirring pressure inside me comes to life… it assures me I'm ready for this.

If reality is anything like the Alice book, she doesn't fall so much as floats her way down. The physical laws might be different within the hole.

So maybe it's not how far down but how fast.

I drop the flashlight in. It bobs down slowly, like a glowing bubble. I almost laugh aloud.

I take a swig of water from one of the bottles at the bottom of the bag. Then I zip it closed and position the pack on my shoulders.

Perched on my hands and knees at the hole's edge, I have a moment of doubt. I weigh a lot more than a piece of plastic and some batteries. Maybe I should push in a few heavy rocks, just to be sure.


The shout from behind makes me scramble. Dirt gives way beneath my hands. Screaming, I clutch at empty air and tumble in.

Inside, the hole widens. More like a feather on a breeze than a skydiver, I float, my position shifting from vertical to horizontal. My stomach quivers, trying to adjust to weightlessness.

Overhead, someone dives in after me.

In seconds, he latches on to my wrist and tugs to align our bodies.

It's impossible…


His arms lock us together, his gaze intent on the slowly passing scenery. "Sweet mother of—"

"Stuff and nonsense," I interrupt with a quote from the original Wonderland book. "How are you here?"

"Where is here?" he asks, mesmerized by our surroundings.

Open wardrobes filled with clothes, other furniture, stacks of books on floating shelves, pantries, jelly jars, and empty picture frames all cling randomly to the tunnel's sides as if stuck with Velcro. Thick ivy curls around each item and embeds it in the dirt walls, pinning everything in place.

Each time we pass something, Jeb draws me closer, his expression a mix of dread and awe. At one point, I work my arm free and snag a jar wrapped in leaves. I bring it between us and twist off the lid, then stretch out once more to leave the jar upside down, floating alongside us. A dribble of orange marmalade oozes from it and stays suspended as we drift—down, down, down until our feet gently meet the bottom, as if we've been lowered on ropes.

The entrance to the rabbit hole is nothing but a pinhole of sunlight up above. We stand in an empty, windowless room, domed and dimly lit by candles hanging upside down in candelabras. The scent of wax and dust wafts all around us. My legs wobble, as if I've been running laps for a week. We must have fallen at least a half mile. We're still embracing, but neither of us seems to want to let go.

After a few minutes, Jeb eases us an arm's length apart and stares at me—into me.

"How?" I whisper, still unable to grasp that he's here.

He pales, shaking his head. "I… I slipped on the porch in the rain. That has to be it. Yeah, that's why I'm wet. I'm dreaming this now. But…" He presses our foreheads together and I make a mental note of every other place our bodies touch. His hands glide up my rib cage before stopping on either side of my face. "You feel real," he whispers, his hot breath mingling with mine. Every point of contact between us heats to white flame. "And you're so pretty."

Okay, that's proof he's delusional and in shock. First off, he's never said anything like that to me. Second, my makeup has to look like soggy newspapers by now.

The key. It's a wish granter. My dark guide told me to want with all my heart. So when I visualized Jeb by my side before stepping in, because I wanted him with me, he came through, too.

I never meant to drag him into this.

Interlocking our fingers, I coax his palms from my face. "Maybe there's some way to send you back." Although I have a bad feeling there's not. Something he said earlier sinks in. "Wait… what do you mean, you slipped on the porch? I heard the limo drive away."

"Tae and I had a fight. She left for prom without me. I wanted to check on you one last time—couldn't leave things like they were. You didn't answer the door. It was unlocked, so I… that must be when I hit my head."

I grip his shoulders. "You didn't hit your head. We're really here. This is real."

"Uh-uh." He steps back. "That would mean you really jumped into the mirror. I really dived in to catch you. Then I got stuck in a tree and had to climb down to find you. No. Not possible."

"This shouldn't have happened," I mumble, wrestling my guilt. "Wonderland is my nightmare. Not yours."

"Wonderland?" He points to the tunnel overhead. "That was the rabbit hole?"

"Yeah. Alison had clues to this place hidden behind the daisies on Dad's chair. That's why I tore it up."

One look at Jeb's face and I know he doesn't buy it.

Taking a deep breath, I slip off the backpack and draw out the brochure and treasures. I consider telling him about the moth and my dark guide, but those details stick inside me, an immovable mass.

"I haven't had a good look at most of the things yet," I add. "But I think they're leading me here. I think—I think the Lewis Carroll book wasn't exactly fiction. It was a real-life account of my great-great-great-grandmother's experiences, with some discrepancies. For one, there was nothing mentioned about a sundial covering the rabbit hole."

We both look at the wink of light overhead.

Jeb rocks back and forth, as if he's seasick. He gets his bearings and levels his gaze at me again. "Did your dad know about this stuff you found?"

"No. If he did, he would've signed Alison up for shock treatments even sooner."

"Shock treatments? I thought she hit her head in a car accident. Got brain-damaged."

"I was covering. There was never an accident. She's been Wonderland-crazy for years. Now I can prove she's not. That it's all real."

Doubt darkens Jeb's face. "We have to get back first. And that's not going to be easy."

He's right. There's no door. It's like we've fallen into a genie bottle and the only way out is to become smoke and drift up.

"We've got to get help." He fishes his cell phone out of his jacket. After punching several buttons, he frowns.

"No service?" I ask.

He drops his phone into my backpack and sifts through the contents, his expression determined. "What else do you have in here?"

A bee swoops around me and I swat it away. It must have come in through the opening overhead. "Bottled water… a couple of energy bars. School junk."

I crouch beside him and reach in, making sure he doesn't open the pencil box; then I push aside Alison's Wonderland book to grab the white gloves I found in the chair. I take off my fingerless ones and pull the others on in their place. They're a perfect fit. Next, I secure the hairpin just above my left ear. In a vague, misty memory, I used to play dress-up in these items with my netherling companion. Now it's an impulse I can't resist.

Jeb fishes out Dad's Swiss Army knife. Eyebrows raised, he holds it up.

"I borrowed it from a Boy Scout?" I blink.

He slides it into the pocket of his tuxedo pants. "No dice. I pounded my share of the locals in seventh grade and kept tokens from the battles. Boy Scouts don't carry knives this sweet."

My shakiness eases as he flashes a small smile. I'm not sure if he believes any of this or still thinks he's dreaming, but at least he's trying to keep a sense of humor.

He zips the backpack. The slide of the metal teeth echoes in the room. The bee buzzes around my head again. It registers that these are the only two sounds I hear. No white noise. Not a whisper, not a murmur, not a hint of a word.

For the first time in six years, I know silence.

I close my eyes and let it seep into me, soft and numbing.

Silence. Is. Bliss.

Inspired by that thought, I stand up to explore.

"Stay close, skater girl." Jeb retrieves the flashlight, which ended up on the round table in the middle of the room. I shouldn't be thinking it, after bringing him here, but it's amazing how good it feels to hear my nickname.

I stop next to the purple-striped walls, hung with upside-down candelabras. Black-and-white tiles cover the circular floor. A pile of creamy, fragrant wax the size of an anthill rests beneath each dripping candle. How the wicks stay lit is a mystery. Even though the wax melts, the candles don't seem to shrink.

"I don't believe it," Jeb says. He holds up a dark brown bottle with a label tied around its long neck like a price tag. "'Drink me,'" he reads aloud.

"No way." I'm at his side in an instant.

"Shrinks you or something, right?" he asks.

"According to the guidebook. Is there a petit four in that glass box under the table?"

As I stick the bottle into my backpack, he crouches. "Cake on a satin pillow. Looks like raisins on top. They spell the words 'Eat Me.'"

"Yeah. The cake that makes you big again."

He whips the bandana off his tux sleeve and wraps up the box with the small white pastry. "I'm assuming you want it, too, for evidence?"

I nod. But it's not evidence we're gathering. Something tells me I might need to use this stuff later, once I've sent Jeb home and can continue on alone.

Back at the walls, I search for a way out. Red velvet curtains hang in intervals with golden cords of rope draped over knoblike finials. The coverings are long enough to hide a door. I flap open the first one, hoping to find some antique, ornate door that might have a lock to fit the key around my neck. There's nothing but wall behind it. I try another curtain with the same result.

"Check this out." Jeb pulls a sheet off a wooden contraption propped against the opposite wall. Strings, pulleys, and a giant clock's face form the convoluted frame. A sign reads: JABBERLOCKY'S MOUSETRAP. I think back on the Jabberwocky poem associated with Carroll's books. The misspelling of the word is yet another inconsistency with a story I thought I knew by heart.

Wonderland characters cover the front in vivid shades of paint. A long platform juts out at the bottom, connected to some pulleys.

"It looks like a Rube Goldberg," Jeb says, cocking his head sideways to scope it out.

"A what?"

"Rube Goldberg—the cartoonist and inventor. He drew complex devices that performed simple tasks in convoluted ways. This one is a mousetrap."

I stare at him.

"What?" he asks.

Laughing, I shake my head. "Your geek undies are showing. I thought you outgrew them in seventh grade." He used to be obsessed with constructing things—building mazes and marble ramps with his dad out in their garage. It was the only time I ever saw them get along.

A sad smile flits across his face, and I know he's remembering, too.

"What's that thing on the platform?" I ask to change the subject, kicking myself for bringing it up.

He taps what looks like a chunk of cheese. "A sponge. Wonder if the trap actually works."

"One way to find out." I reach for a lever with the words Push Me written in red.

"Wait." Jeb drops the sheet and pulls me away. "Why would a mousetrap be down here? What if it's set up for bigger prey—like intruders?"

The bee returns, buzzing around me again. I swat it away. Lazily, it hovers in midair, then lands on the same lever I was about to try.

With a whirring sound, the machine initiates a chain reaction.

First, the big hand of the clock clicks into place, pointing to the Roman numeral IV. This activates a pulley's wheel that in turn twists a corkscrew through a nest to a drilled hole. The corkscrew's pointed end pushes through and unbalances a seesaw slab on the next level.

Jeb and I back up several steps, hand in hand.

I've seen this process before. I dig in my shirt pocket and pull out the Wonderland notes from that website, looking over the "'Twas brillig" definitions again.

Jeb eases behind me to read over my shoulder. "Where did you find those?"

"Shh…" It's all there: the four o'clock, the nest, the corkscrew. After emitting a piercing whistle, the machine launches the yellowish orange sponge into the air. It flies to the other side of the room.

I chase it, skidding to a stop as it drops to the floor next to one of the curtains I looked behind earlier.

"Pick it up." That British voice fills my mind, a reminder of the reason I've come. Not to gather proof of Wonderland but to cure my family's curse. I have to find the guy from my memories. He'll tell me how to fix my great-great-great-grandmother's mistakes. I pick up the sponge and tuck it into my skirt pocket.

The whirring starts again. Over where Jeb stands, the pulleys and wheels reverse to their original position. As if connected to the machine by invisible strings, the curtain next to me lifts, revealing a trap door that wasn't there two minutes ago.

"Open it."

As if I'm a puppet controlled by my netherling guide, I reach for the door.

"Al, don't!" Jeb shouts.

I slide it open before he can get to me.

A long, dark corridor juts off from the room. I duck my head in. There's enough light coming from behind me to see that the tunnel gets gradually smaller. A flash of movement in the blackness sends me tumbling backward into Jeb. He slips an arm around my waist and holds me against him as a small rabbit-shaped shadow, standing on two legs, appears in the doorway.

"Late," its tiny voice says.

I clench my teeth against screaming. I can't believe it. The White Rabbit is real.

"Late, I say. Lady Alice, too late be you." The rabbit hops into the wavering candlelight. His unbuttoned red tailcoat flaps open, revealing his rib cage.

Jeb curses, and I slap a palm over my mouth.

It's not the White Rabbit or any kind of rabbit at all. It's a tiny, dwarfish creature the size of a bunny. The legs, arms, and body are humanoid but fleshless—a bleached-out skeleton. White gloves cover cadaverous hands; white lace-up boots protect his feet. The exception to the skeletal appearance is his bald head and his face of an old man, covered with flesh as pale as an albino's. His eyes—wide and inquisitive like a doe's—glow pink. Long white antlers sprout from behind each of his small human ears.

It's clear how young Alice might've mistaken him for a rabbit. His horns look like ears when viewed in the shadows.

"White Rabbit?" I venture, feeling Jeb's arm tighten around me as he mumbles in disbelief.

"White, Rabid," the pint-size skeleton says. "Liddell, Alice… you not be. But her hands you have."

I stare at my gloves. "I'm her great—"

"No one," Jeb interrupts as he steps between me and the creature. He won't let me out from behind him. I sense him going for the knife in his pocket and clutch his arm to stop him. Then I peer around his shoulder.

"Great No One, are you?" the creature asks, tilting his antlers to one side to see me.

"No. That's not my name. Did you say Rabid is yours?"

The creature glances at the table, then back to us again, twisting his gloved hands nervously. "Rabid, I am. My family White be." Appearing flustered by our lack of response, he bows at the waist. "Rabid White, of the Red Court be I. And are you?"

I can't find my voice. My memories and the online stories were true. We've stepped into a nether-realm and are face-to-face with a netherling. That strange melody sings inside my heart, the one put there by my forgotten childhood playmate. It's even more powerful than the fluttery sensation I sometimes feel. It tells me to embrace my identity, to be proud of who I am.

Without even thinking, I blurt out, "Alyssa Gardner of the human court, I be."

Jeb hisses and his shoulders tense, but he doesn't lose focus on our guest.

"Ohhhh." The cadaverous creature swoons with an odd clacking sound, like a chime made of bones. His lips twist into a hideous snarl, revealing two long, bucked teeth. "Her gloves those be. A thief are you!"

Jeb snaps out the knife and flicks open the blade in one fluid movement, his other arm holding me behind him.

"Everything you'll ruin." Our guest's pink eyes glow hot red. Saliva foams at his mouth. "Not welcome. So says Queen Grenadine, not welcome you be!" His screech hangs in the air as he hops into the shadowed corridor and vanishes.

"What do you mean, Queen Grenadine?" I shout after Rabid. "Since when is there a new queen? What happened to Red?"

Jeb tucks the knife away and grabs me before I can follow the creature into the hallway. "What was that?" His fingers dig into my shoulders as I strain to break free. "Seriously, what was it, Al? There isn't a rabbit alive that looks like that!"

"Jeb! He's getting away!" I thrash like a wild animal. "I know where he's going… it's the door my key was made for. Please!" There is fear in Jeb's eyes, and I wonder why I don't share it. All I know is I've always been different in my world. In a place like this, I'm actually ordinary.

"No." Jeb crosses my arms over my chest, then lifts me against one of the curtains on the wall so my feet dangle, pinning me like a butterfly to a corkboard. "We're not going anywhere. That foaming freak thinks you stole those gloves. And now he knows your name. Very smooth, by the way."

"I didn't say it intentionally," I grind out, boots swinging with my effort to get down.

"What does that mean—intentionally?"

The same inner melody that gave me courage to speak earlier warns me not to say anything about the moth, the stranger, or the music.

"From what I know about this place," I offer, "it's a magical realm. And the thing we just saw was a netherling… one of the occupants."

"'Magical'?" Jeb stares at me as if my head's on crooked. "I don't remember Lewis Carroll's version saying anything about little walking skeletons."

"Alice must've been too young to understand what she saw. Maybe her mind blocked out the darker details." I glance at my gloved palms, empathizing with the desire to hide from bad memories on a level few people could.

"If you're right," Jeb says, "then our guidebook is screwed." He looks at the pinhole of sunlight overhead. "The entrance is still open." He lowers me to the ground but keeps holding my elbow.

I grip his tuxedo's lapel. "Don't you see? It doesn't matter that Wonderland's different than what Carroll wrote. All these years, Alison's been locked up in a psych ward for nothing. It's real. You weren't there today. They treated her like an invalid. If they fry her brain, she might end up incapacitated forever. I won't leave without helping her!"

"We've got stuff to help her now. The cake and the bottle."

"It won't be enough. I have to fix something Alice did. He told me—" I stop myself too late.

"Who told you?"

"I… I found a website." I clench my jaw. I've already said too much.

"Some perv lured you here via a magical website?" Jeb won't let go of my arm.

"Not exactly."

"We're done." He's not even listening to me now. "I'm getting you somewhere safe." He slides one of the tasseled cords from the curtain behind me, and then drops it to the floor in a golden coil. "First, we get every rope and tie them together to make a lasso. Then we'll use the furniture along the tunnel wall to get back up. It'll be like that time we climbed rocks in the canyon a few summers back."

I don't know what scares me more: the fact that his plan's so good it might work, or that I don't want it to.

My guide's voice returns, stern this time, almost angry. "I tire of these games. Drink from the bottle. One sip. Find me."

I wrestle Jeb's grip, but he's too strong. He's already drawing down his fourth rope when a gritty, grinding sound reverberates overhead. We both watch as the pinhole fades to blackness—the statue shutting us in.

Mouth agape, Jeb drops both the rope and my arm. I make a break for the corridor, grabbing the backpack and a candle from the wall on my way. I duck into the darkness with Jeb's shouts ricocheting all around me.

After nearly tripping over my boot laces, I use my mouth to hold the candle so I can free one hand. I rummage in the backpack for the brown bottle. The candle's flame casts flickers of yellow along the walls.

Jeb's close behind. I don't want him any deeper into my mess, but the only way I can keep him safe is if he's with me.

I hunch down to keep going as the passage gets smaller. Lifting the chain off my neck, I wrap it on my wrist so the key dangles free at the end. Somehow I know that unless I want it to shrink, too, it can't touch me. Far ahead, where the passage is smallest, the miniature door comes into sight.

With the backpack looped over one shoulder, I pull out the brown bottle and pop the cork, slopping a dash of liquid into my mouth opposite where I still hold the candle. The bitter flavor burns going down. I recork the bottle and tuck it away into the backpack, dropping it for Jeb.

"Just one drink!" I yell over my shoulder, and leave him the candle.

Muscles jerk—bones click. Every inch of my skin warms and tightens, as if I'm tumbling in a clothes dryer, growing smaller with each step. Nausea turns in my stomach while the corridor seems to grow alongside me.

When I look back, Jeb's on his belly, snaking toward me with one arm outstretched to catch me in his hand. I weave between his fingers, stumble forward, and, struggling with a key now the size of my palm, I unlock the door and dive headfirst into Wonderland.

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  • She, Myself, and I

    She, Myself, and I

    Ever since Rosa's nerve disease rendered her quadriplegic, she's depended on her handsome, confident older brother to be her rock and her mirror. But when a doctor from Boston chooses her to be a candidate for an experimental brain transplant, she and her family move from London in search of a miracle. Sylvia—a girl from a small town in Massachusetts —is brain dead, and her parents have agreed to donate her body to give Rosa a new life. But when Rosa wakes from surgery, she can' t help but wonder, with increasing obsession, who Sylvia was and what her life was like. Her fascination with her new body and her desire to understand Sylvia prompt a road trip based on self-discovery… and a surprising new romance. But will Rosa be able to solve the dilemma of her identity?
  • 超品仙尊


  • 读律心得


  • 锦衣昼行


  • 切实抓好发展这个第一要务


  • 猎人的卡牌之旅


  • 台湾割据志


  • 别让电脑“杀”了你


  • 诸天之位面系统


  • 火影之世界恶意有些满


  • 中外新闻传播教育发展研究

