


There's a lot to be said for commuting on vehicles with just two wheels. Traffic congestion becomes a thing of the past. Parking spots are plentiful. Motorcycles and motor scooters sip gasoline and save money at the pump. Bicycles use nothing more than human power and trim waistlines in the process. Today, innovation in engineering and design is encouraging the switch from four-wheeled vehicles to two-wheeled vehicles by offering increasingly stylish and convenient options. And thanks to minimal fuel needs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the two-wheeled choice is also the eco-choice.

Motor scooters aren't for everyone, but for those who decide to scoot, the benefits are plentiful. Scooters, like cars, give us the independence and freedom to come and go as we please. If you haven't seen the newest lineup of Vespa motor scooters, it may be time to visit one of the sixty-five Vespa boutiques situated throughout the United States. With their rich Italian design heritage, clean lines, and sensuous curves, Vespas have a knack for turning heads. For sixty years, the engineers at Vespa have produced scooters that outperform the competition. Continuously striving for improvement, Vespa has redesigned the new lineup to improve acceleration and handling, ride quieter, and reduce tailpipe emissions. The Vespa GTS, the top-of-the-line model, can comfortably reach speeds over 75 mph and gets between 65 and 70 mpg—fuel mileage that outperforms lauded hybrid automobiles like the Toyota Prius. With a price tag under $6,000, the Vespa GTS provides an economic commuter option for urban and suburban settings. The Granturismo, LX, and PX 150 models round out the lineup and enable you to choose a model that most closely meets your commuting needs.

Vespa is currently testing the possibility of hybrid engines for its scooters, which would lend the machine an aura of eco-invincibility. But hybrid or not, Vespa motor scooters are already hovering near the top of the eco-transport pyramid. Paolo Timoni, CEO of Vespa for the Americas, is coordinating with mayors around the United States to have scooters incorporated into municipal strategies to combat global warming. Look for increased scooter/motorcycle parking around cities as the two-wheelers like Vespa play an increasingly prominent role in our transportation economy.

Vespas are sexy, sure, but there are other stylish motor scooters on the road too. The eGO Cycle 2 by eGO Vehicles presents a refined eco-solution tailored to the needs of individuals who seek a fun, zippy ride yet don't require highway speeds. The eGO is a sleek design-driven head turner combining the efficiency of a moped with space-age lines and a retro flair. It's the kind of machine that Michael J. Fox's character, Marty McFly, would have ridden in Back to the Future had the mad scientist, Dr. Brown, invented it. However, instead of requiring 1.21 gigowatts of energy and a flux capacitor to operate, the eGO runs on pure electricity and is easily charged by plugging directly into any wall socket. The machine is equipped with an internal battery that takes five hours to charge completely. An external fast-charger can do the job in two hours. With a driving range up to 25 miles per charge and top speed of 23 mph, the eGO makes a lot of eco-sense. And at around $1,700 for the top-of-the-line model, it provides a cost-effective mode of primary transportation that fuels up for roughly the equivalent of 10 cents per gallon. As secondary transportation, the eGO eliminates the need to fire up the SUV for short errands. Cars (except for hybrids that run on electric energy at low speeds) spew the most greenhouse gases when operating at low speeds. So switching to a fun, stylish, and clean alternative for shorter trips at lower speeds can be a better way to go. Cruising through a college campus, a suburban main street, or the busy intersections of a big city—eGO Cycles are DOT (Department of Transportation) compliant, so they can be safely driven on streets with traffic—is sheer pleasure. Just strap on a helmet, sit back on the seat, twist the throttle, and go.

While electric vehicles like the eGO Cycle 2 generate zero tailpipe emissions and subsequently zero tailpipe-related greenhouse gases, they're not a complete environmental victory. Electric plug-in vehicles are still being powered by whatever energy sources are fueling the energy grid. Though it varies from region to region, the United States gets about 50 percent of its energy from carbon-based coal, which is one of the worse eco-offenders. However, a 2004 study by the California Air Resources Board (appointed by the governor of California) found that even when they obtain energy from the power grid, electric vehicles generate 60 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than gasoline-powered vehicles. Automakers may have quashed their electric vehicle programs over the past few years (see the movie Who Killed the Electric Car?), but options like the eGO Cycle 2 give us access to the advanced ecoIQs of electric vehicles.

For bicycle enthusiasts, key innovations are making human-powered, non-polluting transportation distinctly more conducive for commuting. The award-winning iXi Bike is one of the most forward thinking and delightfully designed commuter bicycles available. For starters, the iXi is equipped with a greaseless rubber belt drive that replaces the so-very-nineteenth-century greasy chain, eliminating the geeky necessity of tucking your pant leg into your sock to avoid grease stains or dangerous snags. Next comes a well-placed cup holder for your morning java so you can sip easily while pedaling. While the wheels are smaller than a conventional road bike, the iXi's quality four-speed gearshift provides solid performance on hills and other gradients. If it rains, you're in luck because the iXi comes with a poncho stored inside the bicycle's aluminum frame, along with a tool repair kit in case of flats. The iXi is also particularly suited to confined spaces. Both the handlebars and the pedals fold flat against the frame, creating a slim profile when stored flush against a wall. And one model of the iXi can be quickly disassembled into two parts and stowed in carrying cases—a convenience that works equally well in an elevator or an airplane.

Storability and portability are front and center—or more likely tucked away in the corner—in the line of high-performance folding bicycles from Brompton. Each bicycle is handmade at Brompton's production facility in London, England, and engineered to be easy to fold and carry, and fun and comfortable to ride. The full-size frames weigh between twenty and twenty-nine pounds and can be folded within fifteen seconds to a size that is about two feet square and less than ten inches wide. Carry it with you using the handle or stow it on a train or plane using a specially designed Brompton storage bag. However you choose to take it, the Brompton is your mega-convenient commuting option.

And it's in good company. As improved bicycling performance helps folding bikes become realistic commuting options, customers are also turning to Dahon. The world's largest manufacturer of folding bikes has been making and refining them for twenty-five years. Dahon sets its internal bar for innovation very high, demanding that its development team improve bikes by at least 15 percent per year in areas like design form, riding performance, comfort, weight, folding function, and durability. The results speak for themselves, as Dahon has sold more than 2 million folding bikes worldwide since beginning production in 1982. Reasonably priced yet performance-driven, Dahon bikes offer eight urban fold-up models, and the company also provides mountain and road-bike models.

For a fully customized folding bike designed to match your exact body dimensions, turn to BikeFriday. The company will build to order a touring, road, mountain, and commuter folding bike that is built, quite literally, just for you. And if you are on the triathlon circuit, BikeFriday will design a triathlon bike that travels with you in your standard luggage and then folds open on race day so you can conveniently compete wherever the race may lead.

For those looking to assign more heavy-duty tasks to their bicycles—like transporting kids to school, dogs to the vet, or surfboards to the beach—an Xtracycle SUB (sport utility bicycle) system may be right for you. Dubbed the Free Radical, Xtracycle's innovative attachment shifts your bicycle's rear wheel back fifteen inches and adds a long, stable platform on top of it accompanied by big, sturdy saddlebags. Rather than hitching an unwieldy trailer to your bicycle to provide additional hauling capacity, the Free Radical transforms your bicycle into an integrated SUB that's still lightweight, easy to handle, and fast. The system is designed for rapid installation with a basic set of tools and can be purchased independently to install on your current bike or purchased preassembled on name-brand bicycles directly through Xtracycle's website.

The Xtracycle can easily handle loads of up to 150 pounds. To make that kind of heavy hauling easier on your body, a company called Cleverchimp recently introduced the Stoke Monkey, an electric assist system that works seamlessly with the Xtracycle SUB to give an added boost to human pedal power. It's no longer just a bicycle—it's a bicycling lifestyle.

Two-Wheeled Brands



For a fully customized folding bike designed to match your exact body dimensions, turn to BikeFriday. The company will build to order a touring, road, mountain, or commuter folding bike that is built, quite literally, just for you. Super-specialized bikes like triathlon models are also available.



Brompton's full-size, foldable bicycles are lightweight, high-performance machines. The sturdy steel frame can be assembled and disassembled in about twenty seconds to take with you on public transportation or stow out of sight in the office.



The sports motorcycle subsidiary of Harley-Davidson, Buell prides itself on offering some of the cleanest, most fuel-efficient motorcycles on the road. The 2007 Blast, a classically appealing model, has a 492 cc air-cooled engine that rides smoothly, accelerates comfortably at highway speeds, and averages about 70 mpg, for outstanding fuel economy and a minimal eco-impact.



The largest manufacturer of folding bikes in the world, Dahon offers bike models for convenient urban commuting and more specialized fold-up models for mountain and road biking.



EGO Vehicles' eGO Cycle 2 is a quiet, 100 percent electric, zero-emission motor scooter that closely resembles a moped. The turn-throttle acceleration quickly enables the eGO to reach speeds of 23 mph. A full charge can last up to twenty-five miles before you have to temporarily plug it back into any wall socket. Great for local commutes.



This futuristic-looking, tiny, portable electric motorcycle is made of surgical stainless steel. Cool enough for the cool kids and functional enough for intrepid commuters, the Ikoo gets up to eighteen miles per charge and tops out at 18 mph. Avoid arriving to work sweaty and then fold it up and store it in your office.



A next-generation bicycle that meets the demands of commuters and recreational enthusiasts, the iXi features a greaseless drive train, collapsible handlebars and pedals, a repair kit stowed inside the frame, and a host of other innovations that make bicycle commuting increasingly attractive and realistic.



Montague makes high-performance full-size, foldable bikes. No need to splurge on a car rack. After a solid day of mountain biking on the toughest terrain you can throw at it, Montague's military-grade mountain bikes will fold up and fit easily in your trunk or backseat.



Schwinn bikes are as American as baseball and apple pie. And for 2007 Schwinn is offering some of the best-designed electric-assist bicycles available. The electric components are integrated into the bicycle's frame, and a battery sits unobtrusively on the cargo rack. In short, these bikes look just like any others save for the integrated power boost, which makes steep hills a cinch. When the battery gets low, just plug it into any outlet to charge it back up.



An ultra-portable, fold-up bike packaged in a space-age design, the Strida is not only fun to ride, but it's also a chick magnet. Take it with you on the subway and be prepared to hand out your phone number. Yup, it works better than a puppy.



The Vectrix electric maxi-scooter is a high-performance motor scooter capable of handling the demands of everyday commuting. The motor scooter accelerates quickly and can reach speeds over 60 mph and travel up to seventy miles on a single charge. The onboard charger plugs into any standard electrical outlet, making this motor scooter the super-sleek, ultra-convenient, eco-aware choice.



This is the maker of the renowned Vespa motor scooter, the quintessential design-driven eco-alternative to automobiles. Vespa motor scooters can reach speeds of up to 80 mph and achieve gas mileage of 65 mpg. Vespa also makes the Piaggio line of motor scooters with some touring models hefty enough for long highway road trips.




Convert your conventional bike into an electric bike with a sleek, lightweight BionX motor, battery, and console system that mounts unobtrusively onto your bike and delivers up to sixty miles per charge. Purchasing a BionX doesn't mean you're lazy; it means you're wise.



CleverChimp offers the StokeMonkey electric motor assist kit that works with the Xtracycle SUB (sport utility bicycle) to provide an added boost when hauling large and heavy loads. The forward-thinking folks at CleverChimp are into hybrid human-electric technology that makes bicycles abundantly more versatile in handling the tasks of daily living.



When in need of a bicycle chain lubricant, look no further than the eco-friendly soy-based Bar and Chain Lubricant from Soy Clean. Soy Clean also offers a full line of soy-based, nontoxic, biodegradable cleaning supplies.



The RevoPower Wheel presents an innovative way to motorize your standard bike. Swap out your old front wheel and install the RevoPower Wheel, and suddenly you'll be climbing hills with the assistance of a clean-burning gasoline-powered engine. The gas tank is the size of a water bottle and tucks in snugly against the bike frame. Due out in 2007.



Make the most of your transportation needs by transforming your standard bicycle into an SUB (sport utility bicycle). Transport your surfboard, dog, or a week's worth of groceries through the use of the hitch-less trailer that stretches your real wheel further back behind the seat and creates an unsurpassed bicycle cargo capacity of up to 150 pounds.




Kevin Penrose of Electric Cyclery in Laguna Beach, California, offers the most-proven, top-of-the-line electric scooters, motorcycles, bicycles, and now skateboards. Electric Cyclery also offers fold-up bikes that make storage and travel super convenient.



Seth Leitman's New York–based company offers a top-flight lineup of electric bikes, motor scooters, and motorcycles. ETS also sells electric golf carts and electric conversion automobiles to customers throughout the United States. Check out the electric-powered Porsche.



Providing electric scooters and bikes to the Washington, DC, region, Skooter Commuter is dedicated to offering the best possible pollution-free alternative to automobiles. The company continually tests and evaluates the many electric vehicles on the market to provide a quality selection for many different uses and price ranges.

Cool and Noteworthy



Bicycle taxis are a fun, eco-friendly way to commute around a city. Now BicyTaxi is bringing its fleet to American streets, starting out in New York City. What better way to gaze admiringly upon One Bryant Park—the most eco-friendly commercial skyscraper in the United States—than from the passenger seat of these stylish eco-roadsters.



The city of Chicago—already one of the most bike-friendly big cities in the country—has a plan to make it a place where bicycling is easily integrated into daily life. The foundation of the plan is a vision to establish a five-hundred-mile bikeway network throughout Chicago.



I first encountered Critical Mass six years ago in Paris when my taxi driver stopped at a red light and suddenly thousands of bikes went whirring through the intersection. Critical Mass is a monthly bicycle ride that takes place in cities worldwide to celebrate cycling and assert the cyclists' right to the road.

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