

THE NEXT DAY, SATURDAY, ISAAC WENT TO the hospital to visit Vera for the first time since she had been admitted. He hated the hospital, but he had run out of excuses not to go. It was close enough to their house that he could bike there easily.

The night his mother was admitted had been a nightmare. After she was settled in her room, he had made the mistake of taking the elevator instead of going down the stairs. He hated small spaces and usually avoided elevators, but he wanted to get out as fast as possible. He also hated how sterile and cold the hospital was, how washed out everything looked under the fluorescent lights. The hallways all looked the same. And even though many people were there, it was eerily quiet.

In his rush to leave, he pushed the wrong button, and he ended up in the basement without realizing it. When the doors opened and he stepped out, he found himself among a long series of connected cavelike corridors, shadowy and confusing. It was a dark, underground maze. He was confronted with signs that said things like MORGUE, ENDOSCOPY, RADIATION THERAPY, and ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, but there was no exit sign. He started to panic. He was sweating. He sat down for a few minutes, taking slow, deep breaths to regain his composure.

When he felt a little better, he got up and looked around again. At last he found a door that said EMERGENCY EXIT. He ignored the warning about an alarm going off and pushed his way out the door. He could hear the noise behind him as he ran to get a taxi in the blissful open space of outside.

Today when he got to the hospital, he made sure to walk up the stairs. When he reached the sixth floor, he reluctantly pushed through the door that said INTENSIVE CARE-LIMITED ACCESS.

The nurse who had been there when his mother was admitted was sitting behind a computer at the nurses' station. Her name tag said CANDI: CHARGE NURSE. She wore bright pink lipstick, and she greeted Isaac with a smile. He showed her his ID, which was required to get into the intensive care unit.

"How are you today?" she asked him.

"I'm OK, I guess. How's my mother?"

Candi looked worried. "Well, she's pretty heavily sedated right now, I'm afraid. Dr. Ciano keeps…" She stopped herself. It was probably against hospital ethics for a nurse to criticize a doctor. "When she's not so sedated, though, she's a delight," Candi said. "She likes to talk about music."

"She's a pianist," Isaac said. "I forget what room she's in."

"Six thirty-eight," Candi said. "Be sure to wash your hands." She smiled.

Isaac was shocked. On his way to his mother's room he passed the Fitzpatrick twins wearing matching pink-and-white uniforms. What were they doing volunteering in a hospital anyway? Helping people wasn't their style. It seemed he was never going to escape them. Thankfully, they ignored him.

Vera was in a room with two beds, but one was empty. Her room was small, with one window looking out at a brick building just a few feet away. She was lying in the bed near the door. Her eyes were closed, and her right hand was attached to an IV-a needle that was connected to a tube that went to a bag of liquid hanging on a metal pole. The liquid, whatever it was, was slowly entering her bloodstream. It occurred to Isaac that she must hate being bound to the IV and not able to move around without help.

He went over to the sink and washed his hands.

A female doctor came in and repositioned his mother's arm. There must be something wrong with the IV line, Isaac thought. Now he was concerned about her. Vera's eyes fluttered open, and she winced. Isaac could see that the doctor was awkward.

"Sorry," the doctor said to Vera.

Vera looked down at her arm, then at Isaac. "Dr. Ciano, this is my son, Isaac."

The doctor had a mass of unruly dark hair. She turned toward Isaac with a forced half smile. Then she looked at her watch. "I've got rounds now," she said, and left the room quickly.

Vera had long black hair and was very good-looking, especially now that she wasn't wearing all the heavy makeup she usually had on. "Hey, Ize," she said sleepily. She smiled at him, then yawned. "It's so good to see you. How's it going?"

"OK, I guess. I found this really cool thing in that storage room in the house." He began telling her about the mirror box, but her eyes started to close again. "It's not important, though. How are you doing?" he asked her.

She opened her eyes. "It's hard to tell with this horrible IV. I don't know what they put in it, but it either keeps me asleep or puts me into a stupor so I hardly feel anything." She shrugged. "But the nurses have been so wonderful, especially Candi-not like that odd Dr. Ciano. She has the personality of a crow."

They both laughed. At that moment, Vera sounded like her old self. "She has no bedside manner," she went on, "and I'm not sure she knows what she's doing. She just has me in bed on an IV, drugged." She sighed. "But this is the hospital that everyone recommended." Her eyes fluttered shut again.

She had fallen asleep. Even though Isaac was worried about her, he was relieved to be able to leave the hospital and go back home.

As he was leaving, he asked Candi if there was a men's room nearby.

"Why don't you use the bathroom in your mother's room?" Candi said. "As long as you're scrupulously clean about it."

"No, that's OK," Isaac said, feeling embarrassed. "It's so small."

"A little claustrophobic?" Candi said. "Don't worry. Lots of perfectly normal people feel exactly the same way."

After going to the men's room near the ward, Isaac took the stairs to get out, continuing to avoid the elevator.

The next morning, Isaac woke up with his usual Sunday dread. He hated Sundays. Tomorrow was Monday. Tomorrow was school. Tomorrow the ridicule would start all over again.

He spent most of the day doing homework. He really did like some of it, especially the book they were studying in honors English class, The Time Machine. But he found it hard to concentrate, because all he could think about was how out of place he felt at school. As the day went on, he got more and more depressed.

He remembered the first time the Fitzpatrick twins had spotted him as the new kid. "Where'd you come from, Munchkinland?" they asked him. They nudged the girl they were with and all three of them laughed. "If the wind was any stronger, it would blow him away." They all laughed again. Isaac didn't know what to do except turn and walk away in shame.

Isaac needed to get his mind off school, so he went to get the mirror box, hoping it would distract him. There was something that attracted him to it intensely, more than any of his other optical illusions. It was a little scary to be so obsessed with something a dead amputee boy may have used. He kept thinking about the way the boy seemed to be staring at him from his picture.

But it was still only the beginning.

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