


The robot did appear to be broken. It just lay there like a big toy someone had dropped. And somehow she felt like it might be her fault!

Can this day get any worse? she wondered.

Then the walls lit up. The computer-generated face of Vice Principal Barbara looked down on them from every angle.

Vice Principal Barbara was the school's supercomputer. She ran everything and kept an electronic eye on everything as well. And when she needed to communicate with the students, she had an on-screen avatar, which looked just like a grandmother … a sort of crazy grandmother. Sometimes friendly, sometimes stern, sometimes angry, and often flipping between these modes when least expected.

Right now, she was in what Biggs called "grumpy grandmother mode." To which Simeon had added, "You mean, Big Brother's Grumpy Grandmother." But they didn't say these things at school, where Barbara might hear them, of course.

"Please keep the hallways clear and safe," Barbara said, the mouth of her avatar slightly out of sync with her words. "No stopping is allowed in the hallways. Clear the way."

"But, Vice Principal Barbara," said Max. "The robot just fell down and—"

"Discipline tags will be assigned in five seconds," said Barbara. "Proceed to homeroom. Please keep the hallways clear and safe."

Krysti, Biggs, Simeon, and the other students immediately headed to class, though many craned their necks to look back at Max and the dead robot.

"But—" said Max.

"Discipline tag assigned to Student M. Zelaster," said Barbara.

Has it been five seconds already? wondered Max, but she knew better than to wonder out loud, because that would probably get her an additional dTag.

She looked down at the still robot, reluctant to leave it. Maybe she could help?

"Don't touch it!" called a voice.

Max looked up to see three adults running down the hall. Robotics technicians. Max was dying to ask them questions.

"No running is allowed in the hallways at any time for any reason!" boomed Barbara, switching into really stern grandma mode. "Discipline tags assigned to School Visitor number 5, School Visitor number 8, School Visitor number 11. Your violation of school rules will be reported to your employer, Rossum Technologies. Additional discipline tag assigned to Student M. Zelaster. Clear the hallways. Please keep the hallways clean and safe."

Max didn't stick around to hear the rest. She headed for class before she got hit with any more dTags. She already had way too many.

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