


Useless Bay. What a stupid name. It came from the Vancouver Expedition of 1792, when the keel of Captain Vancouver's boat hit the bottom before his anchor could. No moorage? The place must be useless.

That was the same expedition that gave the island its name, when Joseph Whidbey took a smaller boat through the treacherous waters of Deception Pass to the north of the island, proving that this body of land was an island and not a peninsula. The fact that he didn't wind up as kindling in those waters is a heroic feat in itself, worthy of having an island named after you, for sure.

But the treacherous waters were far to the north. Here, at the southern end, there didn't seem to be places for treachery to hide. Useless Bay was so shallow that a lot of beach was uncovered at low tides. So on mornings, as on the day Grant disappeared, there were plenty of things to explore. And treasure to be uncovered, if you counted money in sand dollars and moon snails, as Grant did.

It also meant that on sunny days you'd think you could walk twenty miles due south on that beach, hop across the waters of Puget Sound, and tag the Space Needle. Another ridiculous thing. At some point, the depth had to fall off because there were shipping lanes between here and there. Huge freighters came past, as did Alaskan cruises, carrying passengers and salmonella.

The tide had come in by the time Pixie took my little brother out in the rowboat. I watched them from the observatory. The rain had just begun to pick up.

Seeing them together was just one more thing that pissed me off. Grant was my brother. If he wanted someone to take him out in the rowboat, why not come to me? True, my association with oars hadn't been so great lately, and I had called Pixie a bitch for hooking up with Todd Wishlow, to which she'd said, "Todd who?" So my overall karma was pretty much in the toilet, and I was walking around with a pounding headache, thanks to my black eye and a lot of suppressed rage.

It was also true that we didn't need to call the law on the Grays, who were a nice family, and that I didn't need to lie about Dean going out in the rowboat, not Pix. Here was my upstanding, mature reasoning for the subterfuge: my face hurt like hell, I was mad at everything and everyone. And hey, they were big kids. They could take it. Plus this gave me more alone time with Pixie to punish her both for something she did do (take Grant out in the rowboat at high tide) and didn't do (Todd Wishlow).

When Pix and I were on our own that Sunday evening and she was supposed to hand over Grant for real, she still wouldn't tell me where she was hiding him. In fact, she denied hiding him at all.

It was true, I didn't believe the family was in on it—otherwise, they would've produced him when we showed up with the law.

But Pixie was playing it tight.

"All right," I said, when we were out of earshot of the others. "Give him up."

"Grant? Believe me, I would if I had him. This is a bad night to be hiding." She kicked at the Scotch broom that lined the walk. Yellow pollen was released into the air, then blown thirty nautical miles north of us within seconds.

Above us, on the bluff, a huge branch snapped and launched itself against the Grays' picture window.

I had to yell to be heard. "Come on, Pix. I watched you row him out into the bay."

"Yeah … about that," Pixie said, and summoned a stillness around her. Her dog sat at her feet, awaiting her next command. "That's what scares me. He seemed upset about something. Really upset."

I waited for her to finish her thought while the wind blew her hair into her mouth.

"Upset about what?"

"No idea. Just upset."

I waited for more. Specifics. At least a GPS location.

She didn't say anything else, but she wouldn't look at me, either. She was hiding something.

"All right," I said, rubbing the bridge of my nose, forgetting that my whole face was a wall of pain from where Todd Wishlow had banged it with an oar. "I'm really not in the mood for this. He has to be with one of you. He always comes to your house. Always at five thirty. You always find a bolt hole for him. So I'm telling you again, give him up now and we won't press charges."

Every second made my face pound more. The more I rubbed my nose, the more it hurt. The deeper the hurt, the grumpier I got. But I kept rubbing. I could feel the jelly of my eye. It was making my life hell. I had the perverse idea that if I could pop it out, I'd feel a whole lot better.

"I'm trying to tell you. We don't have Grant this time, Henry."

"Seriously? Not one of you has him."


"Did you ask?"

"No need."

It seemed like the Grays could communicate without talking. I called it the "psychic quintuplet network," although never to their faces. I figured I'd just get a blank stare. The quints were what they were.

But they were impressive in action.

On the school basketball court, for instance. They were legendary around the state. South Whidbey High won championship after championship. People from all over packed the bleachers just to see the magic that happened when all five of them were on the floor at the same time.

It didn't happen every play, but sometimes when they were coming down the court, the ball moved so fast you couldn't see it. Whiz bang tomahawk jam … and none of them called any plays. They weren't the tallest kids on the court, but they knew where the openings were and which one of them could do what from where. Teamwork—effortless and uncanny.

"Look, Henry, I don't think you understand how bad this is. When I rowed him back, I thought he'd go straight to you. I think I disappointed him somehow. He said he'd come to the wrong person."

At least we agreed on something. But that didn't get us any closer to finding Grant. He hadn't come to me, and I hadn't worried about it at the time because whenever he went missing he was always with them.

Ahead of us, Pixie's smelly dog sat perfectly still, waiting for instruction. Was this new? I don't remember Patience being so attentive before. Usually she just peed on everything and harassed squirrels until Pix whistled for her.

The dog was waiting for something. Something big. So was I.

"We already looked all over for him," Pix said.


"When he didn't show up at five thirty, trying to avoid the six o'clock ferry."

Yeah. None of us liked going back to the mainland after two days of freedom. Grant hated it most of all. To him, Useless Bay wasn't just a retreat and the Grays' house wasn't just some broken-down rambler. It was an extension of the beach—a world filled with treasures and things of wonder, as though the Grays and all the creatures of the bay were conjured from one of Lyudmila's books of Russian folktales, where poor men talked with fish and bridegrooms danced with bears.

The wind blew the hood of Pixie's raincoat down, and her golden hair swirled around her face.

In that moment, I wondered if there was something to the urban legends about the Grays. Like the one that said they had been carved from glaciers.

Or that they had been built for a purpose.

Or that they were a sign from God.

Or the spawn of Satan.

The most broadly whispered question was: Who was their father?

No one had ever seen or heard of a Mr. Gray. The most likely theory was that he was an officer stationed temporarily at the naval base at Oak Harbor, good for one night, and that he didn't even know this brood of giants existed.

At that moment, watching the weather swirl about Pix but not affecting her, I felt something different. I wondered if the Grays weren't from any father so much as they were from the land itself—a long cold beach where it seemed you could walk forever and keep walking. A handy breed to be called up in times of crises.

The question was: Would this be one of those times? Were we in a crisis now?

It was then that I began to think beyond the pain in my face and that Dad might need the sheriff for more than to harass the Gray family. He might actually have to find my little brother.

Something might have happened to Grant. Something bad. Maybe my misdirection at the Grays' house was a stupid thing to do, because maybe my brother was really in trouble.

The important thing now was to get him back, and Pix was starting to convince me that it might be harder than I thought.

"Do you hear it?" Pix said.

"What? The wind?"

She shook her head. "Listen. I mean, really listen."

She closed her eyes and turned her face to the beach.

Even her dog—the smelly, loud one—was so silent she seemed reverent. It was like being in church.

So I closed my eyes and listened, too.

The first thing I heard was my homework list, then the little ways I'd let everybody down—as well as the bigger ones. The mistakes I'd made in the past, the ones I'd make in the future, and how I could possibly avoid them.

When I was done with those voices, then came the rip and groan of the storm, and the snore of the barn owl that seemed to be demanding, "Treat! Treat!"

But Pixie seemed to be hearing something else, something deeper. She shivered in her Windbreaker, and I couldn't understand why.

"All I hear is the wind," I said.

"Oh," Pixie said, disappointed. "Right. The wind."

I felt as though I'd failed some kind of test I didn't even know I was taking.

"If Grant's really gone, we should find Yuri. He'll know what to do," I said.

Yuri's shack was at the beach end of the trail that we were on—the one that shored up and bisected the lagoon.

"Right. Yuri," Pixie said, and she seemed to shake off something that had settled around her shoulders like a mantle. If I didn't know her and her brothers better, I'd say that she was afraid.

Even though Grant went missing all the time in circumstances that sometimes seemed even worse than this, and he had his elaborate games of hide-and-seek that often involved the Grays—who, I had to admit, took pretty good care of him when he ran off—it never made me nervous. But this was the exact moment I began to worry.

I mean, really worry.

Grant's disappearance was a different kind of deception.

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    爱 (龙人日志系列#2)

    凯特琳和迦勒一起踏上了探索旅程,寻找一个东西,一个可以阻止龙人与人类之间即将打响的战争:失落之剑。一个只存在于龙人传说的东西,甚至连它到底是否真的存在,都有很大的质疑如果要有任何找到它的希望,他们必须首先追溯凯特琳的祖先。难道她真的是那个人吗?他们的搜索首先是开始寻找凯特琳的父亲。他是谁?他为什么要抛弃她?随着探索的进行,他们被她的真实身份惊呆了但他们不是唯一寻找传说中的失落之剑的人。Blacktide族群也想要得到它,他们紧紧地追寻着凯特琳和迦勒的踪迹。更糟的是,凯特琳的小兄弟,山姆,沉迷于继续寻找他的父亲。但山姆很快发现,自己不清不楚地,卷入了龙人的战争中。他会将危及他们的探索吗?凯特琳和迦勒的旅程把他们带入历史城市的混乱风暴中,从哈得逊河谷,到塞勒姆,再到具有重要历史地位的波士顿中心——那个女巫们曾经被绞死的波士顿公园。为什么这些位置对龙人种族如此重要?他们对凯特琳的祖先要做什么,她又会和谁在一起呢?但他们可能不能完成任务。凯特琳和迦勒对彼此的爱已经绽放。而他们之间禁忌的爱恋可能会摧毁他们开始着手实现的一切……图书#3 -#11 龙人日志现已有售! “被爱是龙人日志系列的第二本书中,和第一本书一样精彩,转变,充满了动作、爱情、冒险和悬念。这本书让这个系列变得十分精彩,你会想要从摩根莱利这里了解更多。如果你喜爱第一本书,那就开始读这一本吧,你一定会继续爱上它。这本书可以被理解为续集,但莱斯的写作方式,让你不需要知道第一本书,就可以阅读这个精彩的续篇。” --Dragonmenbooksite COM “龙人日志系列的故事情节出彩,尤其是《被爱》这本书,读到深夜你都舍不得放手。结局是个悬念,正是因为如此出色,所以你会想立刻购买下一本书,看看到底发生了什么。正如你所看到的,这本书是该系列里一个巨大飞跃,可以获得一个绝对的好评。” --The Dallas Examiner “在《被爱》这本书里,摩根莱利再次证明自己是一个非常有才华的故事作者……扣人心弦且有趣,我发现自己读这本书时,比第一本更享受,我非常期待下一本续篇。” ——浪漫评论
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