agitada - Excited; in a state
anda el diablo - Damn
anjá - Wow
alelao - Someone who is stupid
arrecho - Erect
asopado de pescado - Soupy rice fish stew
avión - Easy woman, sexually
baboso - Idiot; a liar
boca agua - Impetuous person who speaks without thinking
boca de suape - Big mouth; someone who gossips
brava - Angry
bugarrón - Slur for a gay man
cacata - Tarantula; slang for an evil woman
caché caché - Cool; looking good
canillas - Skinny legs
can - Party
carajo - Hell
chan - Friend, bro
cherchando - Chatting it up
chévere - Awesome
chata - Flat-butted person
chichí - Baby boy
chin - Little bit
chopo - Low-class person; very rude
concho - Oh my gosh!
?cómo? - What?
?cómo te sientes? - How do you feel?
co?o - Damn
cuero - Slut
culero - Asshole (Mexican)
?dímelo? - What's happening?
?dímelo-chan? - What up, man?
?diache! - Damn
echate pa'ca - Come here
embarazada - Pregnant
enchulao - In love
fajar - To fight; to beat up
fo - Bad smell
freco - Fresh; rude
frío - Cool
furufa - Ugly woman
gallera - Female expert on cock/rooster fights
grajo - Body odor
?güay! - Wow!
güebo – Slang for penis
la hada - The cops (general Spanish)
hijo de la porra - Son of a bitch
hijo de machepa - Someone who has nothing; son of rotten luck
hombre - Man
loco - Crazy
maldito - Damn
mande - Excuse me/what? (Mexican)
manin - Brother; "bro"
mano - Brother; "bro"
manso - Cool; chilling; easy
mayores - Old people
mala pata - Bad luck
medio pollo - Coffee with milk
mentiras - Lies
mira - Look
mofongo de ajo - Smashed plantains with garlic
moreno/a – Dark skin
morenito/a - A person with a dark complexion
nalgas - Butt cheeks
?ame - Idiot
nieto - Grandson
novio - Boyfriend
ofrézcome - Damn
orale - Hey there (Mexican)
oyé - Listen up
óyeme - Listen to me
pájara - Lesbian
papi chulo - Good-looking guy
parejero - Someone who is vain
pariguayo - Dumbass
patuche - Slang for a marijuana-filled cigar; a blunt
peliar - To fight, slang
pelmaso - Stupid
pendejo - Idiot
perros y gatos - Dogs and cats
pinta – Short for pintalabios; lipstick
el pipo - Damn
porquería - Silly crap
porra - Hell; bitch
puta - Whore
?qué lo que? - What's up?
?qué cheposo! - How lucky!
qué bolsu - A person who doesn't know how to do anything; also a person with big testicles
qué mono - So cute
quillao - Mad
rata - Low person; scum
ratreria - Dirtball
tato - Slang for "esta todo"; everything is good; bye
tecato - Someone strung out on drugs
te lo juro - I swear it
to' ta frío - Everything is cool
todo 'ta bien - Everything is okay
tu ta' - You are
tu ta' pasao - You're crazy
tu ta' cloro - You're cool
vaina - Thing
?veldá?- Is it true?
ven acá - Come here
vete pa'l carajo - Go to hell
yunque - In a mood to fight