
第2章 To a Dutch Potter in Ireland

for Sonja Landweer

Then I entered a strongroom of vocabulary

Where words like urns that had come through the fire

Stood in their bone-dry alcoves next a kiln

And came away changed, like the guard who'd seen

The stone move in a diamond-blaze of air

Or the gates of horn behind the gates of clay.


The soils I knew ran dirty. River sand

Was the one clean thing that stayed itself

In that slabbery, clabbery, wintry, puddled ground.

Until I found Bann clay. Like wet daylight

Or viscous satin under the felt and frieze

Of humus layers. The true diatomite

Discovered in a little sucky hole,

Grey-blue, dull-shining, scentless, touchable –

Like the earth's old ointment box, sticky and cool.

At that stage you were swimming in the sea

Or running from it, luminous with plankton,

A nymph of phosphor by the Norder Zee,

A vestal of the goddess Silica,

She who is under grass and glass and ash

In the fiery heartlands of Ceramica.

We might have known each other then, in that

Cold gleam-life under ground and off the water.

Weird twins of puddle, paddle, pit-a-pat,

And might have done the small forbidden things –

Worked at mud-pies or gone too high on swings,

Played 'secrets' in the hedge or 'touching tongues' –

But did not, in the terrible event.

Night after night instead, in the Netherlands,

You watched the bombers kill; then, heaven-sent,

Came backlit from the fire through war and wartime

And ever after, every blessed time,

Through glazes of fired quartz and iron and lime.

And if glazes, as you say, bring down the sun,

Your potter's wheel is bringing up the earth.

Hosannah ex infernis. Burning wells.

Hosannah in clean sand and kaolin

And, 'now that the rye crop waves beside the ruins',

In ash-pits, oxides, shards and chlorophylls.

2 After Liberation


Sheer, bright-shining spring, spring as it used to be,

Cold in the morning, but as broad daylight

Swings open, the everlasting sky

Is a marvel to survivors.

In a pearly clarity that bathes the fields

Things as they were come back; slow horses

Plough the fallow, war rumbles away

In the near distance.

To have lived it through and now be free to give

Utterance, body and soul – to wake and know

Every time that it's gone and gone for good, the thing

That nearly broke you –

Is worth it all, the five years on the rack,

The fighting back, the being resigned, and not

One of the unborn will appreciate

Freedom like this ever.


Turning tides, their regularities!

What is the heart, that it ever was afraid,

Knowing as it must know spring's release,

Shining heart, heart constant as a tide?

Omnipresent, imperturbable

Is the life that death springs from.

And complaint is wrong, the slightest complaint at all,

Now that the rye crop waves beside the ruins.

from the Dutch of J. C. Bloem (1887–1966)

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