
第2章 The Golden Bough

(Aeneid, Book VI, lines 98–148)

So from the back of her shrine the Sibyl of Cumae

Chanted fearful equivocal words and made the cave echo

With sayings where clear truths and mysteries

Were inextricably twined. Apollo turned and twisted

His spurs at her breast, gave her her head, then reined in her spasms.

As soon as her fit passed away and the mad mouthings stopped

Heroic Aeneas began: 'No ordeal, O Priestess,

That you can imagine would ever surprise me

For already I have foreseen and foresuffered all.

But one thing I pray for especially: since they say it is here

That the King of the Underworld's gateway is to be found,

Among these shadowy marshes where Acheron comes flooding through,

I pray for one look, one face-to-face meeting with my dear father.

Teach me the way and open the holy doors wide.

I carried him on these shoulders through flames

And thousands of enemy spears. In the thick of battle I saved him

And he was at my side then through all my sea-journeys,

A man in old age, worn out yet holding out always.

And he too it was who half-prayed and half-ordered me

To make this approach, to find and petition you.

So therefore, Vestal, I beseech you take pity

On a son and a father, for nothing is out of your power

Whom Hecate appointed the keeper of wooded Avernus.

If Orpheus could call back the shade of a wife through his faith

In the loudly plucked strings of his Thracian lyre,

If Pollux could redeem a brother by going in turns

Backwards and forwards so often to the land of the dead,

And if Theseus too, and great Hercules … But why speak of them?

I myself am of highest birth, a descendant of Jove.'

He was praying like that and holding on to the altar

When the prophetess started to speak: 'Blood relation of gods,

Trojan, son of Anchises, the way down to Avernus is easy.

Day and night black Pluto's door stands open.

But to retrace your steps and get back to upper air,

This is the real task and the real undertaking.

A few have been able to do it, sons of gods

Favoured by Jupiter the Just, or exalted to heaven

In a blaze of heroic glory. Forests spread midway down,

And Cocytus winds through the dark, licking its banks.

Still, if love torments you so much and you so much need

To sail the Stygian lake twice and twice to inspect

The murk of Tartarus, if you will go beyond the limit,

Understand what you must do beforehand.

Hidden in the thick of a tree is a bough made of gold

And its leaves and pliable twigs are made of it too.

It is sacred to underworld Juno, who is its patron,

And it is roofed in by a grove, where deep shadows mass

Along far wooded valleys. No one is ever permitted

To go down to earth's hidden places unless he has first

Plucked this golden-fledged growth out of its tree

And handed it over to fair Proserpina, to whom it belongs

By decree, her own special gift. And when it is plucked,

A second one always grows in its place, golden again,

And the foliage growing on it has the same metal sheen.

Therefore look up and search deep and when you have found it

Take hold of it boldly and duly. If fate has called you,

The bough will come away easily, of its own accord.

Otherwise, no matter how much strength you muster, you never will

Manage to quell it or cut it down with the toughest of blades.'

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