
第1章 Acknowledgements

Some of these poems appeared for the first time in slightly different form in the following magazines: Agenda, Archipelago, Irish Pages, Irish Times, Little Star, Magenta, New Yorker, Parnassus, Poetry Review, The SHOp, Times Literary Supplement.

'The Conway Stewart' and 'Lick the Pencil' were first published in Many Mansions, Stoney Road Press, 2009; 'Human Chain' in That Island Never Found: Essays and Poems for Terence Brown, Four Courts Press, 2007; 'Slack' appeared as a poem card and poster poem from Newcastle Centre for the Literary Arts, 2009; 'A Herbal' is a version of 'Herbier de Bretagne' from Guillevic's étier, Gallimard, 1979, and appeared in Franco–Irish Connections: Essays, Memoirs and Poems in Honour of Pierre Joannon, Four Courts Press, 2009; 'The Riverbank Field' and 'Route 110' in The Riverbank Field, Gallery Press, 2007; 'Wraiths' in From the Small Back Room: A Festschrift for Ciaran Carson, Netherlea, 2008; 'Parking Lot' appeared under the title 'Wraiths' in Captivating Brightness: Ballynahinch, Ballynahinch Castle Hotel/Occasional Press, 2008; 'Hermit Songs' in Something Understood: Essays and Poetry for Helen Vendler, University of Virginia Press, 2009; 'A Kite for Aibhín' is adapted from 'The Kites', first published in Auguri: To Mary Kelleher, Royal Dublin Society, 2009.

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