
第3章 Triptych


After a Killing

There they were, as if our memory hatched them,

As if the unquiet founders walked again:

Two young men with rifles on the hill,

Profane and bracing as their instruments.

Who's sorry for our trouble?

Who dreamt that we might dwell among ourselves

In rain and scoured light and wind-dried stones?

Basalt, blood, water, headstones, leeches.

In that neuter original loneliness

From Brandon to Dunseverick

I think of small-eyed survivor flowers,

The pined-for, unmolested orchid.

I see a stone house by a pier.

Elbow room. Broad window light.

The heart lifts. You walk twenty yards

To the boats and buy mackerel.

And today a girl walks in home to us

Carrying a basket full of new potatoes,

Three tight green cabbages, and carrots

With the tops and mould still fresh on them.



My tongue moved, a swung relaxing hinge.

I said to her, 'What will become of us?'

And as forgotten water in a well might shak

At an explosion under morning

Or a crack run up a gable,

She began to speak.

'I think our very form is bound to change.

Dogs in a siege. Saurian relapses. Pismires.

Unless forgiveness finds its nerve and voice,

Unless the helmeted and bleeding tree

Can green and open buds like infants' fists

And the fouled magma incubate

Bright nymphs… . My people think money

And talk weather. Oil-rigs lull their future

On single acquisitive stems. Silence

Has shoaled into the trawlers' echo-sounders

The ground we kept our ear to for so long

Is flayed or calloused, and its entrails

Tented by an impious augury.

Our island is full of comfortless noises.'


At the Water's Edge

On Devenish I heard a snipe

And the keeper's recital of elegies

Under the tower. Carved monastic heads

Were crumbling like bread on water.

On Boa the god-eyed, sex-mouthed stone

Socketed between graves, two-faced, trepanned,

Answered my silence with silence.

A stoup for rain water. Anathema.

From a cold hearthstone on Horse Island

I watched the sky beyond the open chimney

And listened to the thick rotations

Of an army helicopter patrolling.

A hammer and a cracked jug full of cobwebs

Lay on the windowsill. Everything in me

Wanted to bow down, to offer up,

To go barefoot, foetal and penitential,

And pray at the water's edge.

How we crept before we walked! I remembered

The helicopter shadowing our march at Newry,

The scared, irrevocable steps.

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