
第7章 A Postcard from North Antrim


A lone figure is waving

From the thin line of a bridge

Of ropes and slats, slung

Dangerously out between

The cliff-top and the pillar rock.

A nineteenth-century wind.

Dulse-pickers. Sea campions.

A postcard for you, Sean,

And that's you, swinging alone,

Antic, half-afraid,

In your gallowglass's beard

And swallow-tail of serge:

The Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge

Ghost-written on sepia.

Or should it be your houseboat

Ethnically furnished,

Redolent of grass?

Should we discover you

Beside those warm-planked, democratic wharves

Among the twilights and guitars

Of Sausalito?

Drop-out on a come-back,

Prince of no-man's land

With your head in clouds or sand,

You were the clown

Social worker of the town

Until your candid forehead stopped

A pointblank teatime bullet.

Get up from your blood on the floor.

Here's another boat

In grass by the lough shore,

Turf smoke, a wired hen-run –

Your local, hoped for, unfound commune.

Now recite me William Bloat,

Sing of the Calabar

Or of Henry Joy McCracken

Who kissed his Mary Ann

On the gallows at Cornmarket.

Or Ballycastle Fair.

'Give us the raw bar!'

'Sing it by brute force

If you forget the air.'

Yet something in your voice

Stayed nearly shut.

Your voice was a harassed pulpit

Leading the melody

It kept at bay,

It was independent, rattling, non-transcendent

Ulster – old decency

And Old Bushmills,

Soda farls, strong tea,

New rope, rock salt, kale plants,

Potato-bread and Woodbine.

Wind through the concrete vents

Of a border check-point.

Cold zinc nailed for a peace line.

Fifteen years ago, come this October,

Crowded on your floor,

I got my arm round Marie's shoulder

For the first time.

'Oh, Sir Jasper, do not touch me!'

You roared across at me,

Chorus-leading, splashing out the wine.

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