

Scarlet stood there, at the end of her walkway, staring. She could hardly believe it. There, standing on the sidewalk, just a few feet away, staring back with his intense grey eyes, was the new boy. Sage.

What was he doing here, in front of her house? How long had he been standing here? Had he been watching her house? Had he been about to head up her walkway? Or had he just been passing by?

But passing by where? She lived on a quiet suburban street, and hardly anyone ever walked around here. Then again, she was only two blocks to town, and conceivably, he could be heading somewhere. But that was unlikely.

The thought of him standing there, watching her house, or about to walk up, freaked her out. On the other hand, she couldn't deny that she was excited to see him. Excited wasn't the right word. It was more like…transfixed. She could not take her eyes off of him. His smooth skin, his strong jaw, his proud cheekbones and nose, his gray eyes, long eyelashes—she had never met anyone remotely like him. So noble, so proud. He seemed so out of place here, like he'd dropped down out of a sixteenth-century palace.

She also couldn't help noticing that she felt butterflies in her stomach when she looked at him. And it was a feeling she did not want to have. After all, Maria, her best friend, had made it clear that she was obsessed with him. How wrong would it be for Scarlet to take him away? Maria would never forgive her. And she would never forgive herself. Besides, she had Blake. Or did she?

She thought again of Vivian's post, about Blake dumping her. Had Blake really told her that? Or had Vivian made it up? Either way, she felt pretty sure that Blake was gone from her life for good.

"Um…hi," she said, not knowing what else to say. After all, they had never even been introduced.

"I didn't mean to startle you," he said back.

She loved his voice. It was soft, gentle, yet powerful the same time. He was soft-spoken, yet there were something authoritative in his tone. She could listen to that voice forever.

"I'm Sage," he said, extending a hand.

"I know," she said, as she reached out and took it.

The touch of his skin was electrifying. It sent a thrill up her harm, as he held her freezing hand in his warm one.

"Small town," she added, by way of explanation, but then felt embarrassed. That was stupid of her; she shouldn't have admitted she knew his name. It made her seem desperate.

But wait, she thought. Why was she even thinking this way? After all, he was Maria's man. Wasn't he?

"Your hand is so cold," he said, as he looked down at her palm.

Scarlet withdrew it, self-conscious.

"Sorry," she said, shrugging.

"You didn't tell me your name," he said.

"Oh, sorry, I just figured you knew it," she said, then added, "not that I'm famous or popular anything. It's just…well, small town, you know?"

She was already stumbling, making things worse with each sentence. She always did this when she got nervous in front of guys.

"Anyway, my name is Scarlet. Scarlet Paine."

He smiled.

"Scarlet," he echoed.

She loved the sound of her name in his voice.

"The color of many things. Wine, or blood, or roses. Of course, I prefer the latter," he added with a smile.

Scarlet smiled back. Who talked like this? she wondered. It was as if he were from another time, another place. She was dying to know more about him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, then figured that sounded too harsh. "Not to be rude or anything. But I mean like, what are you doing in front of my house?"

He momentarily looked flustered.

"Yes," he said. "Peculiar timing, isn't it? I was just in town, and thought I'd do a bit of exploring. I'm new here, and thought I would see where these roads lead. I had no idea they led to you."

Scarlet felt better. At least he wasn't stalking her house or anything.

"Well, there's not much to see. This town is only a few blocks in each direction. A few more blocks that way, and it's done."

He smiled. "Yes. I was beginning to see that myself."

Suddenly, Ruth ran up to him and jumped up and licked his hand.

"Don't jump," Scarlet chided.

"It's okay," he said.

He knelt down, and petted Ruth gently, stroking her mane with his palm, scratching behind her ears. Ruth leaned in and licked him on the cheek. She started whining and Scarlet could tell that she really liked him. She was shocked. Ruth was always so protective of her, and she'd never seen her take to a stranger like this.

"What a beautiful animal. Aren't you, Ruth?" he said.

Ruth leaned up and licked him again, and he kissed her on the nose.

Scarlet was stunned.

"How did you know her name was Ruth?"

He suddenly stood, caught off guard.

"Um…I read it. On her neck tag."

"But the tag is faded," she said. "I mean, I can barely read it."

He shrugged, smiled.

"They always told me I had good vision," he said.

But Scarlet was not convinced. The tag was faded down to almost nothing, and she couldn't possibly see how he could have read it. It freaked her out. How did he know her name?

Yet, at the same time, she felt comfortable being around him. And given the state she was in, she liked having company. She didn't want him to go. But at the same time, she thought of Maria, and how upset she would be if she drove by and saw her standing here with him. She would be so jealous. She would probably hate her for life.

"You're quite the mystery around here," Scarlet said. "The new kid. No one really knows much about you. But a lot of people are dying to."

"Are they?" he shrugged.

Scarlet waited, but he didn't offer anything more.

"So…like…what's your story?" she asked.

"I guess everyone has one, don't they?" he asked.

He turned and looked off at the horizon, as if debating whether to tell her.

"I guess mine is boring," he said. "My family…recently relocated here. So here I am, finishing out my final year."

"I heard you had like…a sister?"

A smile formed at the corner of his mouth.

"Word gets around here, doesn't it?" he asked with a grin.

Scarlet blushed. "Sorry," she said.

"Yes, I do have one," he answered, but didn't offer any more.

"Sorry, didn't mean to pry," she said.

He looked at her, and as she looked up her eyes locked with his—and for a moment, she felt her world beginning to melt. For the first time that day, all her worries drifted far from her mind. She felt transported.

She wanted to stop staring, to put her feelings in check, wanted to summon thoughts of Maria and force herself to push him out of her mind. But she couldn't. She was frozen.

"I'm flattered that you did," he said.

He continued staring, then after a moment, he added, "Would you like to take a walk with me?"

Her heart started to pound. She did want to walk with him. She wanted that more than anything in the world. But a part of her was scared. She was still reeling from her time with Blake. She still didn't trust herself, her own feelings, her body, her reactions. And she was scared to betray her best friend—even if, in reality, Maria had no claim on Sage. Most of all, she didn't trust herself. Whatever had happened between her and Blake, that impulse to feed, might still be there. As much as she wanted to know more, she felt the need to protect him.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I can't."

She saw disappointment in his eyes as he nodded back. "I understand."

Scarlet suddenly heard the banging of doors inside her house, along with the muted sound of voices rising. It was her parents, arguing. She could hear it even from here. Another door slammed, and she turned and looked to the house with concern.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go back inside now—" she said, as she turned back to say her goodbyes.

But as she turned back, she was utterly confounded. There was no sign of Sage. Anywhere.

She looked both ways, turned up and down the block, but there was nothing. It was unfathomable. It was as if he'd just vanished.

She wondered how he could have possibly run away that quickly. It was impossible.

She wondered where he went, and if there was still time to catch up to him. Because now, she felt an overwhelming urge to be with him, to talk to him. She realized, in a flash, that she had just made the stupidest mistake of her life by saying no. Now that he was gone, every ounce of her ached for him. She'd been such a fool. She hated herself.

Had she lost her chance for good?

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