

Kate walked with the other girls back down the crowded halls, lost in her own world. Her mind was still reeling. The other girls didn't seem to understand why she was so shaken, and every time she insisted that Elijah had literally disappeared in front of her face they found some way to explain it away. She'd gotten tired of trying to make them understand and had ended up leaving lunch in a huff.

By the time the school day was over, Kate's stomach was groaning. All she'd eaten was a plain yogurt and a salad, and a couple of chocolates from the box Dinah had given her. Along with her emotional morning, the angry, fast cycle ride here, and the weirdness of Elijah disappearing into thin air, it was converging to make her feel weak and lightheaded.

She unlocked her bike and began her cycle ride home, making sure she took it easy; she didn't want to fall. Her bag, filled with textbooks and gifts from her friends, was heavy, making the ride even more exhausting.

The sun wasn't quite as painfully hot at three p.m. and there was a cool breeze coming up off the ocean. In the distance, Kate could see the mountains of Rattlesnake Canyon Park. It was one of her favorite places to go. She loved nature, the quiet, the beauty of it. She liked to go up there on weekends and think about life. It always reminded her that the world was vast and that her home life was just one tiny slither of experiences the earth had to offer.

Would she ever get to see the world though? Without college, how would she ever get to live the life she wanted? She couldn't bear the thought of being stuck in California for another year, cleaning rich people's houses like her mom did, stuck to her side like a shadow. It wasn't fair! Why should she have to earn money for Madison's tuition? Madison was nowhere near as studious as Kate; in fact, she probably only wanted to go to college to meet guys.

Kate decided then that she'd have to find a way to keep back some of her earnings so she could save up for a plane ticket to the East Coast and then just disappear one day. It seemed like a dramatic solution but what other choice did she have?

Kate was so lost in her thoughts she hadn't noticed the group of people ahead of her before she was almost upon them. They were senior guys from her school and they were milling all over the sidewalk and road, shouting and shoving in a jumble. Kate was about to steer around them when she realized that there was someone between them. A boy was being battered around like a beach ball, jostled back and forth, from one guy to another. She noticed the guy's dark hair and delicate features. It was Elijah.

"Hey!" Kate shouted, slamming on her brakes beside the group. "Leave him alone!"

One of the guys turned to her, scowling. "Run along, little girl," he said, cruelly. "I don't think your boyfriend wants rescuing from a girl."

Just then, Kate got a proper look at Elijah. He was downcast. There was a tear in the shoulder of his T-shirt. But as the boys ignored Kate and went back to pushing him back and forth, he didn't even stick up for himself.

"Elijah!" she shouted. "Fight back!"

He looked at her then, as though seeing her for the first time, but continued to walk. She couldn't understand.

But Kate wasn't about to leave Elijah to get his ass kicked because of some stupid masculine belief that girls couldn't stick up for guys. She had a bike, which meant she was faster, and she could use it as a battering ram.

She hitched her backpack off, heavy and lumpy with textbooks. She swung it and charged at the gang of guys, smacking one of them across the back with it.

"Hey!" he shouted, stumbling forward. "Get off, you lunatic."

He didn't seem too ruffled by Kate, though she hoped he was just trying to save face in front of his friends.

Maybe it was dumb taking on a group of senior boys with nothing but her bag and bike as weapons, but Kate had been overtaken by some kind of force, like a protective goose looking after her nest. She was standing up against Elijah's bullies in the way she wished Madison would stand up for her against their bully of a mom.

She doubled back on herself, cycling at them as fast as she could go, making them scatter all over the place.

"Who is that freak?" one of the guys was saying to another as he dodged out of the way.

"Isn't she Madison's sister or something?" another replied, laughing at the sight of Kate wielding her backpack.

"Ew, gross," the first said. "But Madison's so hot. She must be adopted, right?"

Fueled by their rude comments, Kate charged again. She smacked another guy with her backpack, so hard this time he staggered into another. They both fell to the ground in a heap.

Trying to save face, the guys began dispersing, like a bunch of kids leaving their ice cream to an irritating, persistent wasp. They'd clearly realized that Kate would make their attack on Elijah more hassle than it was worth.

Kate was panting hard from the exertion and anxiety, though there was a little bit of triumphant adrenaline coursing through her as well. She glared at the boys as they left, sauntering down the road, then turned back to where Elijah had been.

But Elijah had gone.

"Hey!" Kate shouted aloud. The least the jerk could have done was stick around to say thank you.

She craned her head around, trying to see where he'd gone. But the more she looked, the more it became apparent to her that there was no way Elijah had had the time to disappear from her sight. There were no houses or shops along this part of the road for him to go into, just a rocky mountainous patch on one side and a steep drop down to the roofs of the houses on the street below on the other. Where had he gone?

She looked around, squinting against the bright sunlight, but he was nowhere to be seen. Then she caught sight of a figure right down at the bottom of the hill, walking along in that graceful, precise way she recognized to be Elijah's. She had no idea how he'd gotten so far in such a short space of time. She wanted to put it down to the adrenaline messing with her perception, but an uneasy feeling was starting to overcome her. It was just like in the cafeteria. Elijah, she was certain, could move across distances faster than possible.

Kate wasn't sure what compelled her to chase after him. Maybe it was that whole being seventeen and not wanting to put up with so much crap from people, but she felt at the very least she deserved some gratitude from him for putting her neck on the line. She'd squashed the box of chocolates from Dinah while bashing the boys. They were seeping gooey pink sugar filling all over the inside of her bag. And her copy of Romeo and Juliet had a huge crease across the cover now.

She began pedaling in the direction of Elijah. It was a long road and at points it became quite steep. All Kate had to do was lean forward and let gravity propel her down the hill. She was usually a slow, careful cyclist, not much of a thrill seeker, and it felt good to feel the wind racing through her hair as she careened down the hill.

"Hey!" she shouted when she thought Elijah might be in earshot.

He turned and gave her a puzzled expression. Once again, the moment their eyes locked, a strange sensation swept through Kate. There was an intensity in Elijah's eyes, a haunted sort of expression behind them. If the eyes were indeed the window to the soul, Elijah's soul seemed to be old before its time.

Dazed by the sensations coursing through her body, Kate squeezed the brakes on her handlebars. But she was going way faster than she normally would, her bike was old, the brakes were a little worn, and they didn't engage as quickly as she would have liked. She was practically flying, approaching the end of the road at a crazy speed. At the bottom, she realized with dread, was the highway.

Kate's heart began hammering as she realized there was no way she would be able to stop in time. She was heading right for the road.

Time seemed to slow to a painful pace as she raced to the inevitable, unstoppable conclusion that she was about to die. Her bike passed the stop sign, her useless brakes screeching and making the smell of burned rubber permeate all around her. Then she flew right over the white markings in the road-and right into oncoming traffic.

Kate caught sight of an RV heading right for her. She saw the eyes of the startled driver-and then she felt the impact.

Kate's body slammed against the RV. She didn't feel any pain at all but she knew from the deafening crunch noise that she'd broken something. Possibly everything.

The car's horn began to blare as she bounced off the windshield, rolling up then back down again, all the way. Her bike was flying up into the air, then falling. She rolled off the front of the RV and hit the ground with a crash, head first.

Black stars danced across her vision. Her bike landed beside her, breaking into pieces on impact with the hard asphalt. Kate became aware of the sensation of numbness, of the metallic smell of blood.

But the pain didn't come. She knew it was bad. Bad that she wasn't moving. Bad that she wasn't feeling anything.

Kate's head fell to the side and her gaze found the glittering ocean in the distance. As though at the end of a long tunnel, Kate could hear the sound of cars braking, of car doors slamming and people crying out. She could smell gasoline and rubber and metal, and something burning.

Then, through all the chaos, she saw Elijah's face appear before her and felt herself being scooped up into his arms. He was saying something, but she couldn't make sense of the words. His expression was intense, panicked.

And just before her vision went black, she thought she saw fangs protrude from his mouth. She couldn't move at all, couldn't even scream. But there came the sensation of something sharp, hot, and wet on her neck, she was sure of it.

Then the world disappeared.

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