

Typically of Amy, Emily found herself being dragged into the most high-end, luxurious children's store imaginable. It was all beech wood shelving and pastel-colored walls, hundred-dollar quilts and thousand-dollar christening gifts. It stocked everything from clothes and gadgets to baby furniture and ornaments.

"Amy, you can't get me a gift from here," Emily protested, glancing about her at all the beautiful items.

"Why not?" Amy retorted. "My best friend is having a baby. I can spoil you as much as I want. Now do you want something practical like a stroller or something lavish like this organic eco-friendly pacifier? Ooh look!" Amy cried, becoming instantly distracted and hurrying over to another shelf. "Biodegradable diapers." She grabbed a packet and began reading off the back. "Hypo-allergenic materials. Rainforest alliance certified. Low toxins. No dyes."

Emily felt a little overwhelmed by the choices available to her. She hadn't even begun to think about toxins or allergens. She'd hardly even thought about diapers and pacifiers! She'd only just begun to wrap her head around the fact a baby the size of a raspberry was currently growing inside of her.

"How much stuff is this baby going to need?" Emily said, suddenly feeling anxious.

Amy looked at her friend, concerned. "Don't start freaking out."

"But I haven't even begun to work it all out," Emily replied, hearing her own voice rising with panic.

Amy sprung into action. She scooped an arm around Emily's shoulder and led her to a plush Scandinavian-style nursing armchair-that cost $1,400 dollars, Emily read on the sign-and sat her down.

"Let's make a list," Amy said. She perched on the matching charcoal footstool opposite Emily and looked up. "There's nothing like a list for clearing the mind."

Emily shook her head. "I don't need a list," she said with a resigned giggle. "I'm just having a moment. It's all so new and strange and…unexpected."

"It wasn't planned then?" Amy asked, curiously. "The baby, I mean?"

"Nope," Emily confessed. "But if I did conceive on our honeymoon like we all seem to think, then it must have been the night before Daniel told me he wanted to start trying for a baby." She chewed her lip, remembering how Daniel had booked the entire lighthouse restaurant in order to broach the subject in a beautiful and romantic way, and how terribly that moment had ended for them when she suddenly got cold feet. "Right before I told him I wasn't ready."

"Oh…" Amy said, wrinkling her nose. Her voice softened. "You didn't want this to happen?"

"I did," Emily said. "I changed my mind a couple of weeks later. I just needed some time to let it sink in. But I must have already been pregnant by then so I wonder if it was just the hormones changing my mind subliminally. And I think the damage was done by that point, for Daniel, I mean. He seemed glad when I told him I'd changed my mind again but I wonder whether he kept hold of a bit of resentment."

"The pregnancy isn't quite as happy a surprise for him as it is for you?" Amy asked.

Emily shrugged. She became aware of all the fears she'd been bottling up. "I was the more reticent but now that it's here it feels so perfect and right. But Daniel just seems stressed. Like there's something he's not telling me. I was wondering if it was something to do with how much he missed out on Chantelle's start in life. But he's being typical Daniel about it. Not saying a word. Leaving me to speculate."

Amy patted Emily's hand. "I'm sorry, Em. That sounds hard. And you could do without that kind of stress right now."

Emily smiled at her friend. "I actually feel a ton better now I've talked to you about it. It's so nice having you here." She wiggled her eyebrows. "So, Harry. Do you think this is the real deal?"

Amy blushed as the conversation turned, once again, toward her blossoming romance with Harry.

"It's going really well," she confessed. "We're so different yet somehow so completely compatible."

Emily grinned. "I always had a feeling you needed a younger man."

"Oh, don't remind me," Amy said, rolling her eyes. "He's only five years younger than me but it feels like a whole generation. I'll mention some pop song that I liked in high school and he'll tell me he remembers it from when he was ten! I mean he's still closer to his twenties than his forties."

"I don't think thirty-six should be counted as being close to your forties," Emily said, remembering her own classification as an older mother and the slight risk it posed her. She always felt a little sensitive when people brought up aging, even if accidentally.

"Fine," Amy said. "But thirty-one sounds like a baby to me! I don't like to think about it. Me hitting the big four-oh so much sooner than him."

"You're thinking that far ahead?" Emily asked, raising her eyebrows.

Amy shrugged. "I guess I am. I can't help it. We just click. It's like everything is easy, you know. Even the arguments don't feel that bad because I just have this sense that we'll work it out."

"That's amazing," Emily said, smiling to herself. Amy's description sounded just like her own relationship with Daniel. It wasn't easy, there were still challenges, but there was a pervading sense that they would make it work no matter what. "But what do you argue about?"

"Time," Amy said. "Distance. Obviously."

"Yeah, what's going to happen with that?" Emily asked. "Do you think you'll move here? Or Harry to New York City?"

"I don't know. I'm here for the summer now so I'm just going to think about that. I needed to get out of the city for a bit anyway. I guess I'll see how I feel about it after having spent a couple of months here. The back and forth wasn't fun but I wonder if once the initial passion stage dies down a bit the long distance might not be so much of an issue anymore."

Emily laughed. "It's so funny hearing you speak like this. There was a point when a weekend was too long for you here."

Amy looked embarrassed. "Well, it was," she said defensively. "Back then. Things are different now."

"You're in love," Emily pointed out. "Now you know why I had to stay here."

Amy nodded reluctantly. She hated being wrong.

Just then, the store woman came over. "I'm sorry, ladies," she said, "but we're closing now. Did you want to purchase anything before I shut down the till?"

"No thanks," Emily said at exactly the same time as Amy said, "Yes."

Emily looked at her friend, frowning with confusion.

"We'll have this nursing seat," Amy said.

"Ames, no way!" Emily cried. "It's so expensive!"

Amy shook her head. "It's fine. You deserve it. And it already has significance to us. We had a good heart-to-heart on this very chair. We can't not take it now that it has such sentimental value."

Emily held her hands up, relenting. There was no point arguing with Amy over this. Best to just let her friend go all out. Treating her friends was one of her great pleasures in life after all.

They paid for the chair and loaded it into the back of Amy's car. Emily noticed as she got in the passenger's seat that she had a missed call from the inn. She checked her voicemail. It was Lois.

"Sorry to disturb you, Emily, but the Erik & Sons men are here. They said they had a meeting booked with you. A tour of Trevor's house. Daniel says you have the keys so he can't let them in."

"Oh no!" Emily cried. "Amy, floor it. I'm late for a meeting!"

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