

Chief Belt stepped toward the man who was approaching.

He said, "Mister, this area is closed. Couldn't you see the barrier?"

"It's OK," Riley said. "This is Special Agent Bill Jeffreys. He's with us."

Riley hurried over to Bill and led him just far enough away so that they wouldn't be heard by the others.

"What happened?" she said. "Why didn't you answer my messages?"

Bill smiled sheepishly.

"I was just being an idiot. I…" His voice faded and he looked away.

Riley waited for his reply.

Then he finally said, "When I got your texts, I just didn't know whether I was ready. I called Meredith for details, but I still didn't know if I was ready. Hell, I didn't know if I was ready when I started driving down here. I didn't know if I was ready until just now when I saw…"

He pointed to the body.

He added, "Now I know. I'm ready to get back to work. Count me in."

His voice was firm and his expression looked like he really meant it. Riley breathed a huge sigh of relief.

She led Bill back over to the officials clustered around the body in the hole. She introduced him to the chief and the medical examiner.

Jenn already knew Bill and she looked glad to see him, which pleased Riley. The last thing Riley needed was for Jenn to feel marginalized or resentful.

Riley and the others told Bill what little they knew so far. He listened with a look of keen interest.

Finally Bill said to the ME, "I think it's OK to take away the body now. That is, if it's OK with Agent Paige."

"It's fine with me," Riley agreed. She was happy that Bill seemed like his old self now and eager to assert some authority.

As the ME's team began to extract the body from the hole, Bill surveyed the area for a moment.

He asked Riley, "Have you checked out the site of the earlier murder?"

"Not yet," she replied.

"Then we should do that," he said.

Riley said to Chief Belt, "Let's go have a look at your other crime scene."

The chief agreed. "It's a couple of miles into the nature preserve," he added.

They all managed to push past the reporters again without commenting. Riley, Bill, and Jenn got into the FBI SUV, and Chief Belt and the ME took another car. The chief led them away from the beach, along a sandy road into a wooded area. When the road ended, they parked their cars. Riley and her colleagues followed the two officials on foot along a trail leading through the trees.

The chief kept the group to one side of the trail, pointing to some distinct footprints here in the firmer soil.

"Just your everyday sneakers," Bill commented.

Riley nodded. She could see those prints going in both directions. But she felt sure they wouldn't offer much information except for the killer's shoe size.

However, some interesting marks were interspersed with the footprints. Two wobbly lines were dug into the soil.

"What do you make of these lines?" Riley asked Bill.

"Tracks from a wheelbarrow, coming and going," Bill said. He glanced back over his shoulder toward the road and added, "My guess is the killer parked about where we're parked now and brought his tools along this path."

"That's what we figured too," Belt agreed. "And he left again this way."

Soon they came to a spot where their path intersected a narrower one. In the middle of the smaller path was a long, deep hole. It was about the width of the path itself.

Chief Belt pointed to where the new path emerged from the surrounding trees. "The other victim seems to have come jogging along from that direction," he said. "The hole was camouflaged, and she fell into it."

Terzis added, "Her ankle was badly broken, probably from the fall. So she was helpless when the killer started piling dirt back in on her."

Riley shuddered again at the thought of that kind of horrible death.

Jenn said, "And all this happened yesterday."

Terzis nodded and said, "I'm pretty sure the time of death was identical to the murder on the beach-probably around six o'clock in the morning."

"Before the actual sunrise," Belt added. "It would have been quite dim. A jogger who came along here after dawn saw how the dirt had been disturbed and called us."

While Jenn started taking more photos, Riley scanned the area. Her eyes fell on some flattened brush that had been crisscrossed by the wheelbarrow tracks. She could see where the killer had piled up dirt about fifteen feet away from the trail. The trees were fairly thick beside these pathways, so a runner wouldn't have seen either the killer or the dirt as she'd come running in this direction.

Now the hole had been re-excavated by the police, who had piled the dirt right next to it.

Riley remembered that Meredith had mentioned this victim's name back at Quantico, but she couldn't recall it at the moment.

She said to Chief Belt, "I take it you were able to identify the victim."

"That's right," Belt said. "She still had plenty of ID on her, just like Todd Brier did. Her name was Courtney Wallace. She lived in Sattler, but I didn't know her personally. So I can't tell you anything much about her just yet, except she was young, probably in her early twenties."

Riley knelt down beside the hole and looked inside. Right away, she could see exactly how the killer had set his trap. At the bottom of the hole was a heavy, loosely woven blanket of erosion cloth, with leaves and debris tangled up in it. It had been spread out over the hole, unnoticeable to an unwary jogger, especially in the dim, pre-dawn light.

She made a mental note to call in a BAU forensics team to go over both of these sites. Maybe they could trace the origin of the erosion cloth.

Meanwhile, Riley was getting just a trace of the same sensation she'd had at the beach, of slipping into the killer's mind. The feeling wasn't nearly as vivid this time. But she could imagine him perched right where she was kneeling now, looking down at his helpless prey.

So what was he doing in those moments before he began to bury her alive?

She reminded herself of her earlier impression-that he was charming and likeable.

At first he probably feigned surprise at finding the young woman at the bottom of this hole. He may have even given the woman the impression that he'd help her get out.

She trusted him, Riley thought. If only for a moment.

Then he'd begun to tease her.

And before long, he began dumping wheelbarrows full of dirt down on her.

She must have screamed when she realized what was happening.

So how did he respond to the sound of her screaming?

Riley sensed that his sadism fully emerged. He paused from his task to throw a single shovelful of dirt in her face-not so much to stop her from screaming, but to torment her.

Riley shivered all over.

She felt relief as that feeling of connection began to slip away.

Now she could get back to looking at the crime scene with a more objective eye.

The shape of the hole seemed odd to her. The end where she was standing was dug in a pointed wedge shape. The other end reflected that same shape, only inverted.

It looked like the killer had gone to a certain amount of trouble about it.

But why? Riley wondered. What could it mean?

Just then, she heard Bill's voice call out from somewhere behind her.

"I've found something. You'd all better come over here for a look."

  • The Fizzy Whiz Kid
  • The Short Stack Cookbook
  • Once Craved (a Riley Paige Mystery--Book #3)

    Once Craved (a Riley Paige Mystery--Book #3)

    ONCE CRAVED is book #3 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with ONCE GONE (Book #1)!When prostitutes turn up dead in Phoenix, not much attention is paid. But when a pattern of disturbing murders is discovered, the local police soon realize a serial killer is on a rampage and they are in way over their heads. Given the unique nature of the crimes, the FBI, called in, knows they will need their most brilliant mind to crack the case: Special Agent Riley Paige.Riley, recovering from her last case and trying to pick up the pieces of her life, is at first reluctant. But when she learns of the grievous nature of the crimes and realizes the killer will soon strike again, she is compelled. She begins her hunt for the elusive killer and her obsessive nature takes her too far—perhaps too far, this time, to pull herself back from the brink.
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    从你离开起,我便开始想念你。我每天想念你一千次,可是还不够。那种感觉就像是饥肠辘辘的饕餮,即使饱食三餐,还是处于极度的饥饿。 我该如何让你知道,除了你,这辈子我的心里再也装不下任何人了。 时间和空间,都无法改变这独一无二的爱。而那些被碾碎在时间的车轮底下的爱,就像是被风吹散的蒲公英一般理所当然。 我始终还是觉得你一直都在,即使我看不到你,触碰不到你,我还是觉得你在。这会不会只是一种幻觉?你的离开给我带来的痛,会不会在我每个恶梦初醒的深夜又被狠狠撕开了呢?我或许还没做好准备去接受这个真相。 一场绚烂的歌舞会,一片拥挤的舞台,一次不可能抵达的边疆。