
第1章 Praise For Cult

"I appreciate Mr. Adler's focus on cults as the focus for his psychological thriller, Cult, and hope that it raises public awareness. Many in the media and the public in general seem to forget that destructive cults are an ongoing problem. The news only focuses on the subjects of cults when some horrible tragedy takes place. But the fact is abuse by cults is a global phenomenon, which impacts the lives of millions of people every day. Mr. Adler's book illustrates this reality, by telling the story of a local cult, which might exist around the corner or down the street in virtually any town or city in the United States, or for that matter around the world."

-Rick Ross, Executive Director of The Cult Education Institute

Praise for Warren Adler's Fiction

"Warren Adler writes with skill and a sense of scene."

-The New York Times Book Review on The War of the Roses

"Engrossing, gripping, absorbing… written by a superb storyteller. Adler's pen uses brisk, descriptive strokes that are enviable and masterful."

-West Coast Review of Books on Trans-Siberian Express

"A fast-paced suspense story… only a seasoned newspaperman could have written with such inside skills."

-The Washington Star on The Henderson Equation

"High-tension political intrigue with excellent dramatization of the worlds of good and evil."

-Calgary Herald on The Casanova Embrace

"A man who willingly rips the veil from political intrigue."

-Bethesda Tribune on Undertow

Warren Adler's political thrillers are…


-Publishers Weekly

"Diverting, well-written and sexy."

-Houston Chronicle


-London Daily Telegraph

Praise for Warren Adler's Fiona Fitzgerald Mystery Series

"High-class suspense."

-The New York Times on American Quartet

"Adler's a dandy plot-weaver, a real tale-teller."

-Los Angeles Times on American Sextet

"Adler's depiction of Washington-its geography, social whirl, political intrigue-rings true."

-Booklist on Senator Love

"A wildly kaleidoscopic look at the scandals and political life of Washington D.C."

-Los Angeles Times on Death of a Washington Madame

"Both the public and the private story in Adler's second book about intrepid sergeant Fitzgerald make good reading, capturing the political scene and the passionate duplicity of those who would wield power."

-Publishers Weekly on Immaculate Deception

For Daphne Greene

  • The Skeleton Road
  • Mediums Rare

    Mediums Rare

    Prolific screenwriter and genre novelist Richard Matheson has long maintained an interest in all matters relating to parapsychology, telepathy, ESP and other paranormal activity. His brief and elegantly printed new volume amounts to a lightly fictionalized history as well as quick, evocative episodes of paranormal activity from Greek antiquity all the way through renowned American psychic Edgar Cayce.Most of the episodes in this book depict the famous seers, mediums and performers of the nineteenth-century, whose feats Matheson clearly admires. Margaret and Kate Fox, aged ten and seven, in 1848 convinced their parents and many other Americans that they were in touch with ghosts in a haunted house. (Matheson notes that the adult Margaret recanted, explaining how she herself produced the ghosts' mysterious rapping noises: he believes the recantation fake, arranged by the sisters' enemies.)
  • Entre el trabajo y el cuidado de los nuestros

    Entre el trabajo y el cuidado de los nuestros

    La asombrosa cifra de 42 millones de estadounidenses se enfrenta a los desafíos de tener que cuidar de un ser querido y trabajar al mismo tiempo. A pesar de que la prestación de cuidados puede ser una experiencia muy gratificante, este rol acarrea una enorme responsabilidad--y presiones--. Esta guía de AARP te ofrece recursos prácticos y sugerencias fáciles de encontrar cuando más los necesitas, ya sea que estés cuidando diariamente a un ser querido, estés planificando para una situación futura o te encuentres en medio de una crisis. Y de igual importancia, este libro te ayuda a ocuparte del cuidador--o sea, de ti mismo--. La autora, Amy Goyer, experta en envejecimiento y familias, ofrece información, inspiración y su propia y conmovedora historia como encargada directa del cuidado de sus padres.
  • Gracious Leadership
  • Endgame


    Originally written in French and translated into English by Beckett, Endgame was given its first London performance at the Royal Court Theatre in 1957. HAMM: Clov! CLOV: Yes. HAMM: Nature has forgotten us. CLOV: There's no more nature. HAMM: No more nature! You exaggerate. CLOV: In the vicinity. HAMM: But we breathe, we change! We lose our hair our teeth! Our bloom! Our ideals! CLOV: Then she hasn't forgotten us.
  • 刹那间,走进你的世界


  • 中国历史上最著名的成语故事


  • 将九州


  • 何以负君心


  • 做最好的自己


  • 文殊师利佛土严净经


  • 佳人如玉卿思飞


  • 米香


  • 苏联经济思想史:从列宁、斯大林到戈尔巴乔夫


  • 妖灵狂潮

