
第1章 Author's Acknowledgments

To the memory of

my three grandmothers,

Alida Jensen Lafrank,

Emma Wise Greeney,

Rhoda Elizabeth King.

The author wishes to thank all the members of the Greer clan who replied to her letters, all the genealogists amateur and professional who offered their assistance, and all the individuals named in the text who were so kind as to offer to share their impressions of Reg Greer with her and answer questions about the background to Reg Greer's career. Not named in the text, but equally deserving of her thanks, are George Randall, Sheila Helpmann, Bob Walker, Bob Piper, Tom Greer, Netta Ward, the Stoward family, Joyce Greer de Holesch, Sir Arthur Lee, Sir Murt and Lady Lee, Lloyd Brown, Helen Doxford Harris, Mary Polis, and Bruce Ruxton. As well, she is anxious to acknowledge the assistance that she received from the Archives Office of the State Library of Tasmania, the Northern Regional Library of Tasmania, the Library of the University of Tasmania, the Tasmanian Permanent Trustees Association, the Latrobe Library and the Newspaper Room of the State Library of Victoria, the Public Record Office of Victoria, the University of Melbourne Archives, the Mitchell Library and the N.S.W. Public Library, the Public Library of South Australia, the State Library of Queensland, the Archives of the State of Queensland, the Australian National Library, the compilers of the Australian Dictionary of National Biography, the National Library of Malta, the India Office Library and Records, the Newspaper Library of the British Library, the National Library of Ireland, the Cambridge University Library, the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys at St Catherine's House, London, the Public Record Office at Chancery Lane and Ruskin Avenue, Kew, the Royal Artillery Association at Woolwich, the Artillery Museum at Devlali, the Air Force Office of the Australian Department of Defence, the Victorian Department of Veterans' Affairs, the National War Museum Association of Malta, the War Museum, London, the Libraries of the Friends' Houses at London and Hobart, the General Register Office in Belfast, and the Probate Offices of Melbourne and Belfast, among others. And, not for the first time, special thanks are due to Leanne Winfield, who kept Mill Farm on an even keel, while the author was leaving no stone unturned.

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