Dedico este libro a mis padres, Robert y Patricia Goyer, y a mis abuelos, Genevieve y C. V. Goyer, y Harold y Clara Stutz: Gracias por ense?arme a amar y a cuidar de los demás. Quiero hacer extensivo mi sentido agradecimiento a mis hermanas, Karen, Susie y Linda, por el apoyo que brindan. También deseo expresar mi sincera gratitud a Bill, quien me respalda en todo lo que hago, y a Jackson, por ser mi compa?ero en esta labor de la prestación de cuidados.
执迷(龙人日志系列 #12)
《执迷》是最佳畅销系列小说《龙人日志》的第十二本也是最后一本书。这个系列开始的第一部为《转变》——本书可免费下载并已获得超过900个的五星评论!在《执迷》中,十六岁的斯嘉丽·潘恩全速飞行,以在她的挚爱——塞奇被永生不死族杀害之前,去救他。在被朋友和家人疏远——而且塞奇离离被杀害只还剩下一个晚上的时候——斯嘉丽被迫要选择是否为了他牺牲一切。凯特琳和迦勒不顾一切飞奔去救他们的女儿,仍然决定要找到一种可以治疗斯嘉丽和永远终结龙人瘟疫的方法。他们的寻找带着他们发现一个又一个惊人的秘密,他们寻找着古老、遗失、深深隐藏在埃及狮身人面像下的龙人城市。他们所找到的东西也许将永远改变龙人种族的命运。然而,一切仍然可能太晚了。永生不死族的人意图杀死斯嘉丽和塞奇,同时,凯尔也处在谋杀的暴怒中,转变了薇薇安和整个高中学校,将他们转变成自己的龙人军队,正要毁灭整座镇子。在《执迷》——十二本书系列《龙人日志》的惊天结局中,斯嘉丽和凯特琳将被迫面临一个致命的抉择——一个将永远改变世界的选择。斯嘉丽会不会做出最后牺牲以拯救塞奇的生命?凯特琳会不会不顾一切拯救女儿?他们会不会为了爱冒一切危险?Man Without a Heart
When Jill marries Amandios Doxaros, she does it only to make his mother happy in her final years--and to keep him from marrying the woman he truly wanted. Both agree that theirs would be a marriage in name only, to be dissolved at his mother's death.Jill never meant to fall desperately in love with Amandios; but her heart had other plans. Soon she must decide whether to try to win his affections for herself--or watch him marry someone else.American Quartet
Detective Fiona Fitzgerald is an unlikely force for justice in Washington, D.C.'s predominantly male police force. As a Senator's daughter and top investigator in the homicide division of the Metropolitan Police Department, Fiona maneuvers between two vastly different worlds, moving quickly from opulent State galas to gritty crime scenes. Born into the elite social circles of the nation's capital, and armed with intimate knowledge of the true face of the political establishment, Fiona is determined to expose the chicanery concealed within the highest echelons of the American political aristocracy.When a string of inexplicable murders rocks the hallowed streets of central D.C., Fiona finds herself charging through the shadows of a mysterious conspiracy. Faced with an investigation with no leads and a rising body count, Fiona's reputation as a top investigator is called into question.
本书讲述从“第五十一回 失潼关哥舒翰丧师 驻马嵬杨贵妃殒命”到“第一百回 徒乘舆朱全忠行弑 移国祚昭宣帝亡唐”的历史。安史乱起,唐玄宗仓皇西走之事,历述唐朝由盛转衰直至朱温篡唐之后续诸事件,重点交代了大唐王朝衰亡之三大历史教训中的阉祸(即宦官擅政,挟制天子)与藩镇祸(即军阀混战,割据一方,终于篡夺中央政权)。大唐盛世终至灭亡,从根本问题上解决起来,实自宫闱淫乱,造成种种恶果……