幼儿将来会成为什么样子,拥有什么样的才智,很大程度上取决于幼年时期的生活经历。而经过实践证明和专家验证,游戏活动可以为幼儿提供积极的成长经历,并大幅度地提高其智力和思维。本书经过编者精心设计,涵盖了适宜幼儿智力成长的六大类游戏:肢体成长游戏、思维故事游戏、猜谜游戏、造型能力游戏、趣味数字游戏和科学异想游戏。这些游戏对幼儿来说,都是经过实践证明行之有效的游戏,相信一定能给可爱的孩子们带来乐趣并提高他们的智力。Responsible Drinking for Women
Many women drink responsibly--but some have a more troubled relationship with alcohol. Studies regarding the effects of alcohol on women's health are contradictory--and it's not easy for concerned women to get a clear picture of the perils and positives of drinking.Alcohol affects women differently than men, and sometimes more severely. This ebook, written by Harvard professor and researcher Dr. Debi A. LaPlante, combines in-depth guidance and information from the latest studies about the effects of alcohol on women's physiology with compassionate, detailed advice on exploring your own relationship with alcohol and how to quit or scale back drinking. This book is essential reading for any woman who wonders whether her drinking might be a problem.