
第2章 Abstract


Content:The study goal is to explore the content and law of development of Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society,build systematic framework of Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society and provide theoretical direction and practical reference for the social construction of socialist society with Chinese characteristics in the new period through systematically describing and deeply analyzing Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society.The study contents include:(1)conclude the production and development of Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society including the important points and their interrelationship of the theory in the periods of democratic revolution,socialist revolution and socialist construction and the late years of Mao Tsetung through illustrating that Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society is the succession and development of Marxist social construction theory.(2)The main contents of Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society include the goal and basic principle of construction of socialist society,theory of correctly handling the internal contradictions among the people,theory of social interest coordination,theory of social justice and guarantee of socialist democracy and rule of law,theory of social management and social stability,point of strength and objective of social construction of socialist society and theory of improving people’s livelihood,etc.Put forward the contents related to social construction of socialist society in Mao Tsetung Thoughts in special topic and analyze by the means of the illustrations related to social construction in sociology.Analyze the internal relation and build systematic framework of Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society through illustrating the main contents of the theory of social construction of socialist society.(3)Study the historical status of Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society.

The researchs on Mao Tsetung theory of construction of socialist society have achieved some results in academia,but lacked of comprehensive and in-depth discussion.Nobody has discussed Mao Tsetung theory of construction of socialist society systematically as a domain project.Based on previous research results, this thesis will get breakthrough in two areas by deeply discussing Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society.(1)Found the law of development and intension of Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society by concluding its production and development to fill the gap in the academic community.(2)Analyze and build systematic framework by studying the goal,basic principle of Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society and relevant content of construction of socialist society.

Hence,it will be a creative research results which will fill the gap in the academic community.

The study on Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society is to show the historical process of Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society,research Mao Tsetung’s historical documents using the analysis method of the unity of history and logic,comparing and analyzing historical materials and sample,dialectically analyze and research the theories of social construction of socialist society to form objective conclusions based on Marxist social theory of construction of socialist society from the viewpoint of the scientific system of Mao Tsetung Thoughts.This thesis strives to comprehensively and deeply discuss and analyze Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society to get scientific conclusions, i.e.: the theory of construction of socialist society is the important component of Mao Tsetung Thoughts.It is a theoretical system developed with the process of Chinese socialist revolution construction.The errors of some views of socialist society construction in Mao Zedong old age are his personal views.They are not included in Mao Tsetung theory of construction of socialist society.Mao Tsetung theory of construction of socialist society has succeeded,enriched and developed Marxist theory of social construction of socialist society and provided theoretical direction and practical reference for the social construction of socialist society with Chinese characteristics in the new period,with strong practical significance.In the mean time,it full fills the weak study fields of Mao Tsetung thoughts, making Mao Tsetung theory of social construction of socialist society parallel with the theory of socialist economic construction,political construction and cultural construction and become the new outcome to study Mao Tsetung Thoughts in fields.

Key words:Mao Tsetung Social Construction of Socialist Society Theoretical System Social Harmony.

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