这是一个前代文明和名为神灵星辰生命同黄昏后的世代。人类努力重建第二代文明,淘汰曾经的思想,不,其实是替代。蒸汽世代:钢铁轰鸣,重炮轰鸣,铆钉战船纵横大洋。电气世代:电灯闪烁,飞艇,无人机蜂起。以及那辉煌的核子曙光。启明世代:金融在运作,社会在赛博和社会化之间左右徘徊,新思潮,新武器,新战术。行星航行世代:战舰控制,行星际穿梭的核能战机驾驶者,以及星表指挥官。大多数普通人该何去何从。 大时盘历:人类的生命在自然人的状态,不过200年。在数千年数万年寿命状态下的人类。将以何种姿态,面对浩瀚的宇宙。……然,科技进步的背后是人文,而每次人文的进步,都需要付出代价。承受不了代价的文明,则总会停在原地。 愿世界多容‘嫩芽新生’
In the dead of night, Naomi Forman receives a phone call. Barney Harrigan, the man she once loved—now happily married with children—utters, "My wife Charlotte has been captured by the Glories." What began as a rude interruption of her night becomes a horrifying interruption of her life, as she is unable to ignore Barney's cry for help.Drawn into the Glory Church doomsday cult by her estranged sister, Charlotte Harrigan succumbs to the will of the enigmatic Father Glory. Brainwashed beyond comprehension, she is now only one of many who have been entrapped by the cult's promise of rebirth into a new, idyllic life.