企业不仅是利润实体,它首先是一个精神载体。身为企业的名片,你的品位决定了企业的品质,你的修为决定了企业的寿命。人能够组成群体,成为一个组织,靠的是义。仁是感情体验,义是外在约束。正己而后正人。搞管理,先管理自己,再管理别人,再做大事业。与其权威服人,不如品德感人;与其用力做事,不如用德做人。一个优秀的企业,需要品质;一个卓越的企业,需要品位。从品质走向品位,正像一个人从土豪走向贵族,需要脱胎换骨地成长,才能赢得业界的尊重。Target Churchill
As Great Britain and the United States celebrate a victorious end to WWII, Joseph Stalin's relentless Soviet Union is creeping across Eastern Europe leaving a trail of devastation and murder in its wake.Winston Churchill, the cigar-puffing icon of the British fighting spirit embarks on a crusade to lift the veil of secrecy that hangs over Stalin's mission. Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri sets the diplomatic stage upon which the world's political players grapple for supremacy as Churchill delivers his fated Iron Curtain speech on March 5th, 1946.Soviet operatives have infiltrated British and American governments at the highest level. As Churchill prepares to launch the Cold War, Stalin unleashes his trained mole, an American Nazi who served in Hitler's SS. His mission: Assassinate Winston Churchill.用几千元本钱发财的50家店铺