《聂隐娘》是唐代裴鉶所著文言短篇小说集《传奇》中的一篇。唐传奇的出现是我国文言小说成熟的标志,其中很多作品对后世的文学经典创作有着深远的影响。比如王实甫的《西厢记》就是取材于唐代传奇《莺莺传》;汤显祖的《牡丹亭》则是取材于《离魂记》;洪生的《长生殿》取材于《长恨歌传》等等。是著名导演侯孝贤最新力作的原著小说,同名电影即将热映。Seeing Things
This collection of Seamus Heaney's work, especially in the vivid and surprising twelve-line poems entitled "e;Squarings"e;, shows he is ready to re-imagine experience and "e;to credit marvels"e;. The title poem, "e;Seeing Things"e;, is typical of the whole book. It begins with memories of an actual event, then moves towards the visionary while never relinquishing its feel for the textures and sensations of the world. Translations of Virgil and Homer provide a prelude and a coda where motifs implicit in the earlier lyrics are given direct expression in extended narratives. Journeys to underworlds and otherworlds correspond to the journeys made by poetic language itself. From the author of "e;The Haw Lantern"e;, "e;Wintering Out"e;, "e;Station Island"e; and "e;North"e;.