在二十岁失去双亲的泠梓柔,还没来得及接受现实,紧接着被叔叔婶婶用计赶出泠家,并把她拱手送给花心顾三少,被虐得体无完肤。亲历双亲死亡、家族遗弃、渣男凌虐……经受多重伤害的她最终决定,答应曾救过她两次的老古,加入天帝集团,一个神秘的组织,她用三年的时间让自己蜕变…………闫氏集团总裁:闫寒夙,在闫氏家族同辈里排行老大。因家族内斗关系,他把自己的身体伪装成多病的样子,误导别人对他放下戒备心……传闻:药罐闫少病态美,美到让女人见了嫉妒,让男人见了心动,唯一缺憾:每天都要吃药……吃药……吃药…………天帝集团内部基地传出泠梓柔夺取至尊测试,闫寒夙指名要泠梓柔做他的私人助理……一切的一切,只为圈住她……Fish in the Water
Mario Vargas Llosa's A Fish in the Water is a twofold book: a memoir by one of Latin America's most celebrated writers, beginning with his birth in 1936 in Arequipa, Peru; and the story of his organization of the reform movement which culminated in his bid for the Peruvian presidency in 1990. Llosa evokes the experiences which gave rise to his fiction, and describes the social, literary, and political influences that led him to enter the political arena as a crusader for a free-market economy. A deeply absorbing look at how fact becomes fiction and at the formation of a courageous writer with strong political commitments, A Fish in the Water reveals Mario Vargas Llosa as a world figure whose real story is just beginning.爆笑囧情:一代妖后养成记