Now in Grove Press paperback for the first time, Birdman showcases Hayder at her spine-tingling best as beloved series character Jack Caffery tracks down a terrifying serial wkkk.net his first case as lead investigator with London's crack murder squad, Detective Inspector Jack Caffery is called on to investigate the murder of a young woman whose body has been discovered near the Millennium Dome in Greenwich, south-east London. Brutalized, mutilated beyond recognition, the victim is soon joined by four others discovered in the same areaall female and all ritualistically murdered. And when the post-mortem examination reveals a gruesome signature connecting the victims, Caffery realizes exactly what he's dealing witha dangerous serial killer.随身空间之女配的重生
机缘巧合下得到一颗珠子,因为这颗珠子莫桑穿越到一本书中,做了炮灰女配浅瑶。可是本该粘着女主的几大男主为何都追着她跑?!桃花树下,绝世无双。惊才绝艳,清贵无暇。因她一曲留下深刻记忆。魑魅宫宫主,眉间一点朱砂,无心无情。白衣染尘,傲骨曲折,备受煎熬,尝遍凄苦时,她从天而降。她注定是他的劫,至死方休......War of the End of the World
The War of the End of the World is one of the great modern historical novels. Inspired by a real episode in Brazilian history, Mario Vargas Llosa tells the story of an apocalyptic movement, led by a mysterious prophet, in which prostitutes, beggars and bandits establish Canudos, a new republic, a libertarian paradise.跨越时空之我是水若灵