眼见一美男差点命丧车轮之下,她一好心将某男救下,却不小心开启了一场萌徒追师之路。只是这男徒弟平日里看起来一本正经,对她细心体贴、无微不至,可是为啥她悄悄进入他梦里的时候……看见的场景却有些不对劲?!并且这梦的女主角竟然是她,而男主角是他自己!“我们已经断绝师徒关系,你不用再回来了。”她被某徒弟逼得连连后退。(呆萌?腹黑?)徒弟笑道:“你不想继续师徒关系,那我们换一个关系好了?”A Short History of Myth
Human beings have always been mythmakers. So begins best-selling writer Karen Armstrong's concise yet compelling investigation into myth: what it is, how it has evolved, and why we still so desperately need it. She takes us from the Paleolithic period and the myths of the hunters right up to the Great Western Transformation of the last five hundred years and the discrediting of myth by science. The history of myth is the history of humanity, our stories and beliefs, our curiosity and attempts to understand the world, which link us to our ancestors and each other. Heralding a major series of retellings of international myths by authors from around the world, Armstrong's characteristically insightful and eloquent book serves as a brilliant and thought-provoking introduction to myth in the broadest senseand explains why if we dismiss it, we do so at our peril.婚婚欲睡:权少轻点宠