一个人要想在激烈的社会竞争中抓住成功机遇,必须做好三件事:一要有一个广泛的交际圈;二要对自己的交际圈充分了解并能够对人际信息进行有效地管理;三要对所积累的人际资源进行合理地开发与利用。《去梯言—18岁后交朋友,你必须懂点社交学》正是考虑到这一点,用深入浅出的理论和精彩可读的故事告诉那些还在读书的、涉世之初的年轻人以及那些在社会上摸爬滚打而对社交学不屑一顾的人,如何与周围的人相处得更好,如何拓展人脉关系,如何让人脉为自己服务等等。它首先讲述了18岁以后懂点社交学的重要性,接着分别从社交心理、社交形象、社交礼仪、社交技巧、社交应酬、社交定律、社交识人、社交人品、社交误区等等方面来详细阐述。The Runaway's Gold
In 1842, Christopher Robertson's family lives a difficult life as "crofters," farmers and fishermen so in debt to the landowner that they have no hope of ever breaking free. To make matters worse, Christopher also lives under the thumb of his morally questionable father and devious brother. When his brother frames him for the theft of their father's secret bag of coins, Christopher must leave his home and embark on a journey across the island to return the coins and clear his name. It's a journey that takes twists and turns, including stops in prison, on a smuggler's ship, and at the house of a beautiful girl —and it ends with him escaping to a new life in America, which has dangers of its own.