二十一世纪孤女林伊被莫名其妙的女人带到莫名其妙的世界,成为莫名其妙的小屁孩。林伊觉得自己可能真的是天煞孤星命,才想出几个月的婆婆转眼却为了救她而死。好不容易被偏偏少年郎给捡了回去,可是...这位大叔,咱有话好商量,看我这么可爱你忍心杀我吗?看在你长的好看的份上,只要你不杀我,将来我长大了勉强就娶了你吧。儿时习武习医理,长时习魔法习炼药,有可爱的空间器灵相伴,日子好生洒脱。不过,大叔,啥叫我身上背负着血海深仇?为啥要她杀女皇为母报仇?算了,既然占了这个身体那就背负该有的责任,反正她看女皇也不顺眼,顺手就灭了吧。只是好端端的一个世界,却像个马蜂窝一样,总是会莫名其妙的掉到别的世界,还让不让人好了?Can I Sit on Your Lap While You're Pooping?
As a single dad, Matthew Carroll didn't always have someone to share in his frequent laughter and incredulity at the various things his daughter, Morgan, said. Hoping to docu?ment some of her best commentary, Carroll took to recording her choicest quotes on his iPhone when she was between the ages of three and five. He then compiled them chronologically in a small homemade volume for friends and family who, compelled by the hilarious and touching content, encouraged him to share it with a larger audience. Can I Sit on Your Lap While You're Pooping? is the record of the hilarious, crazy, and touching pronouncements of a little girl, but it's also the irresistible documentation of the love between a parent and child.