“女人,你只需要对我绝对服从,你要的东西我自然会给你。”他勾起她的下颚,冷傲不可一世的警告道。“包括你的命吗?”一纸交易为目的婚约。一个由柔弱性格逐渐露出利爪的女人,每每挑战他极限的瞬间,都让他露出猎捕的冲动。殊不知,她只是一个长着和他妻子相同面孔的女人,伊雪同父异母的妹妹伊薇,她最大的愿望就是看着姐姐找到幸福,让她措手比较的是,伊雪却在两个月之后流产离世,种种事件都透着诡异的阴谋,为了查清凶手,她顶替伊雪呆在安墨寒的身边,和他斗智斗勇。是谁对姐姐下的堕胎药?安墨寒?还是另有他人?姐姐肚子里的孩子不是安墨寒的?那……是谁的崽?在家防暗箭,在外防情敌,睡觉防‘老公’。--情节虚构,请勿模仿A Kiss for Queens (A Throne for Sisters—Book Six)
"Morgan Rice's imagination is limitless. In another series that promises to be as entertaining as the previous ones, A THRONE OF SISTERS presents us with the tale of two sisters (Sophia and Kate), orphans, fighting to survive in a cruel and demanding world of an orphanage. An instant success. I can hardly wait to put my hands on the second and third books!"--Books and Movie Reviews (Roberto Mattos)The new #1 Bestselling epic fantasy series by Morgan Rice!In A KISS FOR QUEENS (A Throne for Sisters—Book Six), it is time for Sophia to come into her own. It is time for her to lead an army, to lead a nation, to step up and be the commander of the most epic battle the realm may ever see. Her love, Sebastian, remains imprisoned and set to be executed. Will they reunite in time?