本书是季羡林先生关于在清华读书和在北大工作的回忆性文章精选集,还包括季老在清华读书期间的《清华园日记》选编和初入北大执教期间的《北大红楼日记》选编。写作….时间跨越七十余年。 全书分为四辑。第一辑:“季羡林忆清华”;第二辑:“季羡林清华园日记选”;第三辑:“季羡林评北大”;第四辑:“季羡林北大红楼日记选”。Enchantment
When Miles tells his fiancée, Monique, that they must keep their engagement a secret if she comes with him to live on Grand Cayman Island, she has misgivings. Once they reach the island, she realizes all her fears were right--and Miles breaks her heart.But then she meets Dirk Anderson, Miles' new employer. Handsome and domineering, Dirk couldn't be more different from Miles, and Monique finds herself strangely drawn to him. But he may be involved with another woman--the same one who came between her and Miles. Can she trust his love--or will her heart be broken once more?System of Economical Contradictions