暂传言盛家大小姐美貌与心灵成反比,长得有多好看,内心就有多恶毒。对此,盛家大小姐嗤之以鼻。有人说她是花瓶,她就随随便便参演一部电影,演技颜值秒杀女主光环,有人说她恶毒,她就“不负众望”打脸贱人,总之,盛家大小姐天不怕地不怕,一切只看姐乐意,却没有想到有一天会栽在男神手上。“和我在一起。”“你太帅追你的人太多,我没有安全感。”“貌似没有安全感的那个人是我吧?”“你太有钱。”“我的都是你的。”“....你是我男神,神是不能染指的。”“我允许你染指。”说完,男神温柔缱绻的吻落下。--情节虚构,请勿模仿The Sexual Outlaw
In this angry, eloquent outcry against the oppression of homosexuals, the author of the classic City of Night gives "an explosive non-fiction account, with commentaries, of three days and nights in the sexual underground" of Los Angeles in the 1970s--the "battlefield" of the sexual outlaw. Using the language and techniqus of the film, Rechy deftly intercuts the despairing, joyful, and defiant confessions of a male hustler with the "chorus" of his own subversive reflections on sexual identity and sexual politics, and with stark documentary reports our society directs against homosexuals--"the only minority against whose existence there are laws."