电影、诗歌、国学、西学、美术、文学、音乐、处世。从浩如烟海的这些人文艺术作品中,作者用精炼、经典的标准,以青少年的角度,拣选出一篇篇美文、一幅幅名画、一部部佳作、一首首名曲。集成使人终生受益的5个单册,另以代表中华智慧的诸子百家与充满哲理的西方先贤大师名言名篇编辑成《国学精粹》、《西学精粹》,这既是了解学习人类人文艺术的上佳之作,也是必不可少的家藏书籍。Winter Kills
President Timothy Kegan is assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Philadelphia; a single shooter is caught and convicted. Fourteen years later, the slain President's brother, Nick, hears a deathbed confession that upends everything he thought he knew about his brother's death. In a desperate rush to find the real killer, Nick must navigate the murky waters of a conspiracy that involves the CIA, oil barons, the police force, movie stars, and people at the highest level of government.A gripping political thriller, this book contains disturbing echoes of the Kennedy Assassination. Rife with political intrigue, it addresses many mysteries that remain unsolved in the real life JFK case--and it's sure to keep you turning pages.考生们最需要的直线学习书