本书讲述了教师工作具有极强的艺术性。而对于孩子,也就是那些中小学生来说,由他们的本身特点及身心发展规律所决定,老师又必须要能抓住这些孩子的特点,避免成人化的教育方式。因此,老师在教育时,必须要能“蹲下自己的身子”。《蹲下来和孩子一起看世界》吸收了近几年教学实践中的经典案例以及中外教育的各种优势,对“蹲下来”的教育方式进行精辟的阐释,相信对广大教育工作者会大有裨益。A Spy at the Heart of the Third Reich
In 1943 a young official from the German foreign ministry contacted Allen Dulles, an OSS officer in Switzerland who would later head the Central Intelligence Agency. That man was Fritz Kolbe, who had decided to betray his country after years of opposing Nazism. While Dulles was skeptical, Kolbe's information was such that he eventually admitted, "No single diplomat abroad, of whatever rank, could have got his hands on so much information as did this man; he was one of my most valuable agents during World War II." Using recently declassified materials at the U.S. National Archives and Kolbe's personal papers, Lucas Delattre has produced a work of remarkable scholarship that moves with the swift pace of a Le Carra thriller.不懂财务就当不好商品流通企业经理
不论何种行业,优秀的经理人必定是一位财务高手!教你轻松驾御酒 店餐饮企业必备的财务方法与技巧通过本书的阅读,你将学到:全面掌握 三大财务报表,读懂财务报告;非财务人员与财务部门在统一的平台上达 成有效沟通;建立起清晰的成本控制意识与内部控制方法;强化财务管理 意识,提高企业运作效率;学会使用预算等财务工具加强内部管理;运用 财务思维视角运作企业,找到提升运营绩效的方法。