本书适合对3D打印有兴趣,却不太了解的读者,同时本书也涉及一些比较深入的话题,即使是3D打印方面的专家也能有所收获。若你想快速了解3D打印,那么短小精悍的本书绝对能满足你的要求,直接阅读吧!Someone Is Bleeding
Young novelist Dave Newton is instantly smitten when he meets blonde, beautiful Peggy. But Peggy has a past full of abuse and terror—and she's involved with Jerry, a lawyer with mob connections and an old rival from Dave's college days. Soon, Dave finds himself caught in a love triangle with Peggy and Jerry, desperate to win her affections. But when corpses begin to pile up in Peggy's wake, Dave must face the truth that either Jerry is a mass murderer—or Peggy is.